Chapter 8

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(Trust Issues By Olivia O'Brien)

Julie's Pov


The sweat fell down my body as I looked over at Eryn who was in her own world. We've always gone to the gym together. It was something we both started to do once I walked into the bar, that one night.

The night my life would change forever. We were two single girls, living out of a small beat up bar that we were repairing. Going to the gym to get the muscle to defend ourselves is something that we started from the beginning.

We never took any risks. Recently, I've been going a lot more by myself. We will always do our daily gym session in the morning, go home and shower, meet back up at work, and then I'll end up at the gym by myself.

It helps me blow off so much steam. So much overthinking. So much stress I didn't think my body was capable of handling. And it wasn't capable of handling at all.

I added another plate to the weight rack, and looked over at Eryn making sure she was okay, before I got lost in my own world. Even though Noah came with us now, I still felt like I had to be on edge. Like always.

Always on edge.

Always ready for anything.

She was laughing at something Noah was saying. At least he's with her. I closed my eyes and felt my muscles tighten.

So many things are going on right now. Everything is hitting me at once. I saw my sister the other day. My parents have been in jail for a couple months.

I haven't heard from my brother. And don't even get me started on the emotions I'm feeling with this stranger over my phone. I get so excited when he texts me, and I feel like this is the most I've acted like myself in such a long time. I can't be with him.

Maybe that's my trust issues speaking but i don't think i can handle it. I don't know how to let someone in. Eryn doesn't even know my full story. Cora doesn't even know my full story.

I handle shit, by myself, and that's how it is supposed to be. I'm not supposed to have a guy come in and flip my world upside down when I'm finally making it better for myself.

I don't want someone waltzing into my life and taking all of the credit for me bettering myself, for their own name. Though I'm sure Matteo would never do that, I cannot take that risk. I have to stay inside of my tiny little bubble, and I refuse to leave it.

I refuse to let anyone into my bubble.

Trust issues much?

"Julie?' I heard Eryn's voice, but I was drowning.

My own thoughts were suffocating my mind, and she had me take the take off tonight, which made everything worse. I was stuck doing nothing. I couldn't go into work and be distracted.

"Julie?" She asked again, and I didn't pay attention until I saw Noah pickup what I was lifting and putting in on the floor.

"Thank god for you, i wouldn't be able to lift that." Eryn laughed out a joke, causing Noah to laugh. I smiled as I watched them.

"Time to go." Noah said, grabbing both of our bags, and walking ahead of us.

"Are you okay? You've been in your head a lot lately."

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