Chapter 14

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(The Grudge By Olivia Rodrigo)

Julie's Pov


I've always hated the day before my birthday. Whether it was because of the fact that my parents made this day miserable, or whether it was just the simple fact that it was the day i ran away, years ago.

And even though they were never there, they always still found a way to make this day miserable. Today's way... Looking in the mirror is ruining my day. I feel like my tattoos are see through, letting me see the scars on both of my arms.

I feel like my mind is see through, allowing all of those memories to just resurface, as hard as I conditioned myself to think that they were fake. Or maybe it's because of the letting sitting on my kitchen table that I have yet to open.

The letter that my sister dropped off at the bar. Eryn gave it to me, because she didn't know what my sister looked like, she just thought it was an old friend. She was wrong, but I can't blame her because I never told her.

The knock on my door is what brought me out of my head. But I couldn't move. My body was frozen as I stared at myself in the mirror, pointing out any single flaw I could find. I feel like my world is flipped upside down. Once again.

The disappointment filled my veins. I always think I'm tough enough to get through this, but here I am. Falling apart once again, even after trying to forgive. The doorknob twisted, and the door opened.

"Normally you open the door for me, and I never have to use my key." I heard Eryn's voice, and I felt a lump form in the back of my throat.

"Julie?" I heard her footsteps get closer to my bedroom, before I saw her in the reflection of the mirror.

"Julie, hey it's me." I felt her arm go around me, and turn me away from the mirror.

"Don't give me that look. I know what you're doing to yourself. You're acting like we haven't been friends for years." She led me over to the couch, and let me sit down before going into my kitchen.

I watched her go through my fridge like she owns the place. I rolled my eyes with a smile at the thought.

"I bought you a fish tank to distract you from your mirror." She joked, and I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"There's the smile." She handed me a glass of water before going back over to the kitchen. Her body stopped as she noticed the card on the table.

"You didn't open this?" She picked it up, inspected it and I shook my head.

"Do you want to? Or you want me to just throw it out?" She asked, and I was forever grateful for her understanding me and knowing what I would want without me having to say it.

I held my hand up, and she tossed me the card before walking over after taking her jacket off. She fell onto the couch next to me with a smile.

"Is this something I'm allowed to look over your shoulder and read?" She laughed and I shook my head yes.

I opened the envelope and pulled the piece of paper out of it. I looked at it, before slowly opening it. The handwriting was familiar, and it made my skin crawl.

We are sorry for everything that we have done to you. Your father and I have been in prison for too long, please come get us out. You and your brother are the only ones with the money to do it.
Please Juliana.
We are your parents.
Happy Birthday,
Mom and Dad

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