Interlude 2: Henry & Georgia

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Disclaimers: Arguments, Alcohol, Homophobic Language

Warnings: Female!Reader

A/N: Here's part 9 of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car). By popular demand, have Mama Georgie's perspective for the Christmas Dinner fight and what comes after! Thanks to desert-fern on Tumblr for beta-reading this chapter for me as I dive into a character's perspective that I'm not used to!

 By popular demand, have Mama Georgie's perspective for the Christmas Dinner fight and what comes after! Thanks to desert-fern on Tumblr for beta-reading this chapter for me as I dive into a character's perspective that I'm not used to!

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Georgia Marie Seresin, known to her friends and most of her family as Georgie, has always counted herself as one of the luckiest women in the world. She's never once regretted the path her life has taken. Not once, not ever. After all, what was there to regret when you're married to a man you've loved for most of your life and have five gorgeous children? Sure they've all chosen to do different things and maybe veer from the path their parents took, but that's normal right? After all, Georgie herself is a Navy-man-turned-pastor's daughter, but she's decidedly not a pastor's wife. So it had never even occurred to her to wonder why Henry was so controlling over their children's choices. It was easy to excuse his bad behavior as disguised concern, concern he couldn't or wouldn't show otherwise.

But thirty-seven years of marriage later, and she's finally starting to question a little bit about the man she's hitched her wagon to. The first straw was when Jake joined the Navy instead of going to law school like Henry had always planned. That cold anger? It's something Georgie's never felt from her warm, usually jovial husband. Henry had cut Jake down like he wasn't worth his love or affection. The place Henry had relegated Jake to? That's where he'd stayed ever since he went to the Naval Academy, a tall, gangly boy, barely eighteen. Georgie has never understood why Henry hated Jake so much for going after his dreams.

The second straw? That had been when Eliza came home from New York over Easter her final year of college and introduced the family to Bethie. Not as her friend or roommate, but as her fiancée and the love of her life. Georgie can still remember the joy she'd felt in seeing her baby girl that happy. As a mother, it was one of the best moments of her life. But Henry, he'd shut down. He spent the entire week ignoring Eliza and Bethie. But it hadn't been for long.

Over Easter dinner, Henry had said things that Georgie could never condone, about the child she bore under her own heart and raised with more love than she knew was possible to come from her heart. Georgie can count the number of times she's been livid with Henry on one hand. This time, her anger comes out in a knock-down-drag-out. It's a fight of the kind she's never had with her husband. After that, she and Henry come to the uneasy truce that he can ignore Eliza and Bethie if he so chooses, but he can never say words like the ones he believes ever again. Not if he wants to keep up the appearances that he has a happy married life any longer.

That shaky miserable truce holds for several long years. Then Georgie gets a call from an unknown San Diego number. It's a female voice, shaky and quiet. She introduces herself, explains that Jake calls her Gorgeous Girl, and that she wished it were under better circumstances that she was calling.

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