Chapter 14: Oh Shit

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A/N: Yes, what you're looking at from above is what Donovan looks like now. And don't ask why they completely look like they're in a desert, I'm just too lazy to draw a detailed background. Move along now...

~Cameraman titan's POV~

We continued soaring in the air to chase after the G-Man Toilet. When we finally catch him, we will not go so easy on him this time. I'll make sure that we'll truly give him the worst death possible. "Hey, Cameraman? Where's Liana?" Speakerman titan interrupted my brooding.

"What do you mean?" I turned to him. "Is she not behind us?" I looked in all directions to locate the fuzzy creature only to realize that she wasn't anywhere to be seen. "I thought she might be beside you. Guess I was wrong." Speakerman titan replied. "I mean, she did fly to the ground. She might be busy doing other stuff." I said.

I don't exactly know where Liana is, but I do hope she's alright. What am I saying? Of course, she's okay. She's Liana Longtail for Pete's sake. Main characters always find a way out of dangerous situations. (Did he just break the fourth wall? I don't think that was planned.)

~Liana's POV~

I regained my consciousness after the whole kidnapping incident. Where the fuck am I now? I thought to myself as I realized I was suspended in the air. The chains that held my limbs were tight on my ankles and wrists. Oh hell nah! This is a torture chamber! I didn't sign up for this. I thought as I pulled on the chains.

Wait, the parasite is not on my neck anymore. Oh yeah, I forgot they're going to upgrade me. That might explain why they removed the parasite, but that's only temporary so I shouldn't get too comfortable even though I'm not in the slightest bit of comfortable. This place is crawling with skibidi toilets. And it smells so bad, it makes dogshit smell like air freshener.

Even I can't stand my own body odor and this reminds me on how unsanitary toilets are because they can't wash themselves. In the middle of my mental rant, Donovan walked up to me in a mighty warrior style. "Donovan, let me down from here!" I screamed at him. What was the point of that? I know damn well commanding a villain isn't going to work anytime soon.

Donovan snickered at my lame attempt, and honestly, I don't blame him. Screaming at him to let me go? What type of idiot would think a kidnapper is going to set their victims free that easily? "You're not ready yet. I absolutely will not let you down." Donovan replied. Then, he walked around me slowly to make this more dramatic than it needs to be.

"Let me guess, you're going to ask me why I'm doing this for the 100th time? Well, Liana, if you really want to know the real reason that badly, then I guess there's no harm in telling you. Right?" He said. "I mean, I wasn't going to ask you that specific question. I was actually planning on cussing you out. But hey, since I'm stuck up here for God knows how fucking long, I don't think there's stopping you from monologuing." I sassily replied.

Donovan just stared at me for a while, I think he was looking for the typical overused answer to a question like that. I blinked at him expectantly, is he going to start his monologue or what? "Well? I'm waiting." I broke the awkward silence with a smart-aleck attitude. Donovan took a deep breath and started talking. I embraced for the most dramatic backstory from him.

"Well, okay then. Wow, how do I even start from that? Okay, here goes nothing, I guess. (Sighs deeply) When I was created, I was just another brown coated cameraman. My only purpose was like the rest of the cameramen and all our allies, to destroy the skibidi toilets. But every day, I feel like I don't belong. Like I'm not as valuable like our skilled comrades. I was just another battlefield dummy to them. Just a decoy!" Donovan started to get choked up from his own sob story.

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