Chapter 5: Reinforcements

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I felt a little better ever since the TVmen arrived in the scene and joined the alliance. They showed us that they could not only stun our enemies in a trance, but they could also immediately get rid of the Skibidi Parasites off the infected robots without the use of the Anti-Skibidi 3000 or touching them even. TVmen use their radiant beams to manipulate the Skibidi toilets and I find that amazing. 

As we were in the field, an army of Skibidi toilets came our way. A TVman told us to put on our lenses so wouldn't get affected by whatever they're going to do. "Alright, show us what you got!" I yelled out. Suddenly, the ground shook as a strong gust of wind blew. All the Skibidi toilets stopped in their tracks and looked up in fear. A tall entity towered over everyone, the one they like to call, The TVMan Titan.  

The titan not only emitted a bright red light, but he also had an extremely loud sound. It sounded similar to the THX intro they used to play in the movie theatres. The toilets didn't like any of that, in which they all flushed themselves while in a daze. After it was done, I clapped at light speed. "Oh ho ho ho! That was incredible! Well done!" I screamed out to the titan so that he could hear me. As he looked down upon me, I flung the sunglasses off to see better. 

I looked closer at his face and it displayed a cute smiley face to show that he's friendly towards his allies. I smiled back, but I'm not sure if the TVman titan could see it from afar due to his ginormous size. To show respect, I bowed down to him like he's some god or a king.

"How cute. No one has ever bowed down to me before." The titan's voice rumbled through the air. Just like all the TVmen, he spoke in backwards English. I still don't know how I could completely understand them, but I can't even understand the cameramen. Maybe because TVmen don't speak in beeping. I looked up at him once again. "So tell me, who exactly are you? I've heard my troops talking about some lycan that is really talented in combat, but I've never gotten to hear your name." The TVman titan spoke in curiosity. I used my magical wings to fly up to him so I'm not screaming the whole time. I landed on top of his shoulder and responded. "I am Liana Longtail. I've been on the team ever since the Skibidi invasion started. I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a little frustrated with all the shit that's been happening." I explained as I sat on his shoulder comfortably. "I'm all for action, but this is a little too.. Uh... How do I put this without making it sound weird?" I tried to find the right word to describe our situation with the strange Skibidi creatures. It was something that I have never seen before.   

"A little too what? A little extreme?" The TVman titan tried to finish my sentence, but it wasn't quite the word I was thinking of. "No, it's not that. I've heard about extreme amounts of violence, which has happened all around the world to the point where I'm not surprised. However, I have never I mean ever  witnessed a war between robots who look like a human but with a device replacing their heads fighting with a singing toilet with a head poking out. It's like I'm in a fever dream! It feels like a dream, but I'm awake!" I finally found the perfect word to describe the recent events. "Ah. Now I understand." TVman titan replied. 

"It's a lot to take in, I understand. But we're in this together, right? In times like this, you must remain strong no matter what. Okay? Now, I must go. I still have work to do..." The titan grabbed me in the most gentle way possible and safely put me down to the ground. He walked away and disappeared in a black mist. I was still fascinated on the way the TVmen teleport. Apparently, they all have this ability. "He's cool, right?" A TVman said. It was the same guy I first met when me and my colleague got attacked by Skibidi toilets. "Yeah. Wait, I never got your name, or do you guys not have that either?" I asked. 

He stopped to think about it and shook his head. "Not really. We don't necessarily have the time to give each troop a name once they've been created." The TVman responded. Of course. What did I expect? "(Scoff) Do y'all never take the time to give yourselves nicknames in your free time?" I facepalmed. I don't think they ever considered the fact that they all look the same and haven't take the time and effort to differentiate themselves so that it's not confusing. "Is there a reason why that matters to you?" The TVman crossed his arms, he sounded a little annoyed with me. "It matters to me because I often get confused and mix you up with other men. Do you realize how annoying it is when I mistake someone else with you? It makes me look like an idiot!" I raised my voice because I was getting tired of people giving me weird looks when I realize I'm talking to the wrong guy. 

"Well, excuse me for not giving myself a nickname just for a random cranky ass furry whom I didn't know existed! The blame is on me. Right?" The TVman retaliated in frustration. I was angry at first, but realized he was only returning the same attitude and energy I gave off. "If you didn't know, Liana, the world does not revolve around you. You can't just get mad at someone for something they clearly do not have control over. What, do you want me to walk around with a name tag that has the name 'Bob' on it?" He was starting to angry at me. I looked down in shame, I shouldn't have spoke out like that. If I snap at other people, they'll snap right back at me. 

"Look, I'm sorry for being rude. I noticed now that I was being immature, and you shouldn't be obligated to deal with my negativity. I'm frustrated and tired, but that's no good excuse to condescend you. And for that, I deeply apologize." I let out a whine to show that I'm actually sorry. The TV guy doesn't seem angry anymore. "(Sigh) Alright, I forgive ya. I'm sorry that I lashed out, too. An apology is all I wanted to hear." He replied. "Now, let's get back to the base. We're literally vulnerable targets sitting out in an open field like this." I nodded. Me and the TVman both teleported back to the base at the same time.        

And yes, I can teleport as well but not in the same way as the TVmen. While they teleport in a black mist, I literally open up a portal that looks like a realm tear and walk straight into it to travel to a familiar place that I've already been to. Cool, right? But enough about me, I just want to win this battle so I can go back to the life I had and be at peace. And possibly fix the broken sliding glass door that the first Skibidi toilet had destroyed. I'm still disappointed about it. 

That'll have to wait until the time has finally come when everyone can return back to city life...

~To be continued~

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