I got noticed

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After the game we got back to the apartment and I'm scrolling on my phone through my dm's i see that i have a new message.

It's from Rico. Ain't no way literally. I'm not an IG model or anything i mean i have about 1k followers but that's nothing compared to his.

I suddenly get butterflies in my stomach and i turn off my phone. I start kicking my legs on the bed. I'm literally hyperventilating.

I finally calmed down after 5 minutes and turned my phone back on. I open my instagram  messages.

Rico says"Hi, I remember you. I also saw you in our match today lol".

I have no idea what to reply to this message. How on earth do i keep a conversation flowing between us.

I reply" yes i was there lol".

I'm trying to play it cool but i literally want to say" be my boyfriend pleaseeee".

I decided to take an afternoon nap even though it took me like 30 minutes to sleep.

When i woke up i saw that rico had replied and he liked one of he posts.

He told me that he wants us to talk more.

I was a bit confused when i read that and assumed i was still dreaming.

I became so nervous. How was i going to tell my dad if it moved forward.

I decided to reply and say yes that's fine and i gave him my WhatsApp number.

Our conversation:
Rico: Hi this is debby right?

Me: yeah it's me.

Rico: Are you from uk cause your accent is a bit different

Me: no I'm from Nigeria. I'm here on vacation. I've always wanted to watch a city match.

Rico: oh that's cool. I can get more tickets for you if you want. How long are you staying here? Maybe i can get you one next week.

Me:oh really thank you so much. I'm staying here for like a month.

Me:truth be told. I'm really surprised you decided to talk to me. It's a bit weird but I'd really like to know you outside of football.

Rico: okay that's good.

Rico: that's nice to hear. You're honestly a really chill and nice person so I'd really like us to go out for breakfast  tomorrow if you don't mind I'm free in  the morning.

Me: oh wow, I'd have to ask my dad. I really don't know how he'd feel about it but i really want to go out with you.

Ain't no way frrrrr frrrr a date with Rico Lewis. It's just breakfast but omgg. It's gonna be so weird cause i don't have a british accent and i also don't know what to wear.

I don't know how I'm gonna tell my dad but i really hope i can go

Rico Lewis Where stories live. Discover now