Chapter # 20 A Really Fucked Up Time

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*Few days later, they finnaly arrive back into Colorado, so they both start waking up slowly, after hearing the announcement on the speaker, then they stand up and started walking towards the exit and walk down the stairs, then they walk inside the airport ,but they end up running into Colin*

Elizzabeth: Colin?

Colin: Um hi... Elizzabeth

*He says all confused to see her there*

Elizzabeth: What are you doing here?

Colin: Just bought a plane ticket for the weekend to go visit some family in Malibu

Elizzabeth: Oh...
*She gets sad , remembering that James was gonna take her to a really nice hotel there*

Colin: So, what about you? What are you doing here....

Elizzabeth: Um...

*She hesitates to respond while looking at Adam, so he looks at Colin and lies to try to sound cooler than him*

Adam: We just got back from a fun trip in Hawaii, now we're just going back to my place to hang out... gtta problem with that?

Colin: I don't think... I was talking to you, I asked her

Adam: Whatever, dude

*Then Colin ignores him and looks back at Elizzabeth*

Colin: It really doesn't make sense... Why you would choose to run back to this guy, especially after all the shit he's put you through

Elizzabeth: It's complicated ok...

*She says while looking down a little*

Colin: Really? It's complicated?! Yea... ok

*Then she looks back up at him slowly*

Colin: Have a nice life, Elizzabeth

*He rolls his eyes at both of them, and immediately walks away*

Adam: Finnaly, fuckin hate that guy

*She looks at him with no expression, then looks down at her hands all sad, cuz she kinda missed Colin and wanted to tell him what was really going on and about James, but she couldn't*

Adam: Alright, now just gtta call one of my friends to come pick us up

Elizzabeth: Ok..

*He calls one of his friends phone, but they didn't answer, so he tries calling again, then they finnaly answer*

His friend: What's up?

Adam: Hey, dude we just got back in Colorado... now we're here waiting inside the airport

His friend: Alright, be there soon

Adam: Cool, thanks again man

*The friend hangs up, 25 minutes later the guy pulls up to the front of the airport and calls Adam back*

Adam: Hello?

The friend: I'm here, come out front

*He hangs up, then they both start walking outside, and get in the friends car*

Adam: Thank you so much Mike,... I appreciate it alot

Mike: Sure, no problem.. I got you

*Then he drives them back to Adams place, so once they arrive, get out of the car and go back inside, Adam has a serious talk with her*

Adam: Don't you ever run away out of state with someone I know again! Never again! I don't wanna have to go back and get you ever again, waste of fukin money!

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