Chapter # 14 Elizzabeth Meets Adam's Brother

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*15 minutes later, they arrive to a very fancy restaurant, then he gets out to open the door for her*

Elizzabeth: Weird, you never done that before

Adam: Just trying to be nice

Elizzabeth: Okayy...

Adam: You coming or not?

*Then she steps out of the truck and walks with him inside*

The restaurant s host: Hello, how are you guys doing tonight?

Adam: Were doing pretty good

The restaurant s host: Wonderful, so can I have your name?

Adam: It's Adam *The lady checks the clip board for his name, then looks back up*

The restaurant s host: Alright, well follow me
*They get seated to a table and she starts looking around*

Elizzabeth: You made reservations?

Adam: Yea, kinda why I really wanted you to go somewhere with me

Elizzabeth: Well, Thank you

Adam: No problem , Anything for my girl

*Then he kisses her hand with a smile , and she smiles too*

*Few minutes later the restaurants host comes back bringing them some menus*

Adam: Do you know what you want?

Elizzabeth: Not yet, everything looks so good

Adam: Well you can have whatever you'd like, I wanna treat you tonight

Elizzabeth: Um, ok thanks

*She orders the steak that comes with steamed vegetables and sweet potato fries, and he orders the lobster*

restaurants host: Would you guys like any appetizers while you wait?

Adam: Sure, that'll be great

*7 minutes later she brings back some mozzarella sticks and sauce*

Elizzabeth: come you got mad when that girl called you daddy?

Adam: Cuz I'm not her fukin father, that's sick... and she was nothing but a little whore anyways

*Elizzabeth looks away for a few moments, then he looks at her*

Adam: Hey, don't worry.... that's never happening again ok?

*She turns back around to face him*

Adam: Rather just fuck you only, especially if we're gonna get married soon... I wanna be a loyal husband

Elizzabeth: Well, I'm surprised to hear you say that

Adam: I love you, Lizz

*She looks down at the table without saying it back*

Adam: Arnt you gonna say you love me back?

*But she continues to ignore him*

Adam: Whatever, I know you do

*Almost an hour later their food Finnaly comes, so they eat , then he pays for everything and they both get up to leave, get back in the truck and head back to his place*

Adam: Well I'm kinda tired, gonna go to bed

Elizzabeth: Ok

Adam: Um, are you coming to the room with me?

Elizzabeth: No

Adam: Ok, well... your gonna be my wife soon... so u should start being a little more obedient with me

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