Chapter # 3 The Night She Lost Her Mind

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*The next morning around 7: a.m Elizzabeth gets woken up by very disturbing noises.. so she unzips her tent and steps out to get a better listen.. and hears Kim moaning .. so she cringes hard, grabs her jacket and beanie , then quickly walks into the forest to escape the horror , but ends up running into Colin again*

Colin: Morning

Elizzabeth: Ughh, are you fucking stalking me now?

Colin: What, no, no.. I was already out here way earlier

Elizzabeth: Shouldn't you be cuddling your girlfriend or something?

Colin: No, to be honest she's kinda annoying.. so controlling and shit

Elizzabeth: How?

Colin: Well, for example she thought I liked you or whatever yesterday just cuz she saw me talking to you

Elizzabeth: Weird..

Colin: Yea, so uh.. what about you?

Elizzabeth: What , do you mean?

Colin: Like, why are you up so early?

Elizzabeth: Heard my Bestfriend and her boy friend doing it.. got uncomfortable and ran away basically

Colin: Dam, that sucks.. I'm sorry

Elizzabeth: Not, like I wasn't expecting gross shit.. I mean it's what couples do

Colin: Well.. if your still tired I have an extra tent you can sleep in .. cuz sometimes me and her fight a lot

Elizzabeth: Oh, no that's ok.. don't think ill beable to sleep anymore after what I just woke up to

Colin: True, shit i'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking..

Elizzabeth: It's whatever..

Colin: Well, hey uh just to let you know.. me and my girlfriend might stop by later to meet all of you.. but it's more so she can see for her self that there's nothing going on between you and me

Elizzabeth: Um ok... cool thanks so much for sharing that awkward lil thing there, and ill be sure to let them know *he mumbles under his breath while she looked away*

Colin: You are pretty cute though... *she quickly turns back around to look at him*

Elizzabeth: What, did you just say?

Colin: Nothing

Elizzabeth: Hmm..

Colin: Well, I should probably go.. before she starts bitching.. but uh ill see you guys later

Elizzabeth: Um, ok..

*He walks away feeling kinda dumb, then she continues walking through the forest.. and heads back to camp an hour later hoping Kim would be done by now, Nathaniel steps out of the tent while Kim was sleeping then he looks at Elizzabeth*

Nathaniel: Oh, shit you didn't hear any of that did you?

Elizzabeth: Kinda, yea..

Nathaniel: Your, poor soul

Elizzabeth: If, I had one

Nathaniel: That's dark

*She ignores him and goes back into her tent*

Nathaniel: Well, im about to make some break fast.. do you want anything?!

Elizzabeth: Fuck off!

Nathaniel: Okay! you know a no thanks would've been a lil nicer but its cool.. see you when you wake up!

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