Chapter # 12 Colin Finds Out Elizzabeth's Secret

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*Few days later, after Colin goes to work at night leaving Elizzabeth all alone, someone knocks on the door, so she gets scared and takes a peek through the peep hole to see if it was Adam, But it was just Colin's friends*

Todd: Aren't you gonna let us in?

*Then she steps away from the door a little and opens it to let them in*

Elizzabeth: What are you guys doing here?

Todd: Well, hello to you too

Wendy: Colin sent us over to watch over you while he went to work, he told us what happened

Elizzabeth: Great * she says sarcastically*

*Then they all go to the couch to sit down in nothing but silence for a few minutes*

Wendy: Can I use the bathroom?

Elizzabeth: It's not my place

Todd: Well, at the moment it kinda is

*She looks at him very annoyed, so he shuts up immediately*

Wendy: Um... I'll be right back

*After she goes into the bathroom, Elizzabeth stands up to go sit down next to him*

Todd: Uh, What are you doing? That's Wendy's seat

Elizzabeth: She's not here right now

*Then she scoots a little closer to him and starts rubbing his cock on the outside of his pants, so he moves away very quickly, tryna hide his boner from her with his hands*

Todd: Look, your very attractive and all... but I love my girlfriend

Elizzabeth: Aw, really? then why did you put your hands down there?

Todd: Well, I'm not fukin gay ... so what did you expect?

Elizzabeth: Haha, Don't lie to me Todd

*She starts to get up and slowly walks up to him and slides her hand through his hair while staring at him*

Elizzabeth: So, you don't wanna fuck me?

*He slowly looks at her and up and down her body checking her out, so she smiles
and gives him a kiss getting him very aroused, then she moves down towards his pants while looking up at him and slowly unzips his zipper, and reaches in to pull out his cock*

Todd: Please, don't do this... I don't wanna get caught

Elizzabeth: Shhhh...

*Then she puts his cock in her mouth and starts sucking it while cradling his balls , so he moans softly and pets her head*

Todd: Fuck, wish I had you instead... God your so hot

*She smiles more and starts sucking his cock faster, making him more turned on*

Elizzabeth: Mmm....

Todd: Ah... I really wanna fuck you

*So she drops the sexy act and bites down on his cock really hard making it gush out alot of blood, then he falls down screaming, as she stands over him with blood on her mouth and a huge evil grin*

Todd: Why the fuck did you do that?!

Elizzabeth: Cuz I Finnaly got you to confess

Todd: She hasn't touched me in weeks!

Elizzabeth: Shut up ! You filthy little pig!

*Then she grabs the knife off the coffee table and gets on top of him , with her face really close to his, and holding the blade to his throat*

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