Chapter # 5 Lunch With A Couple

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*The next day in the afternoon around 12:30 , she starts getting ready to go have lunch with a couple, then she calls a taxi and starts heading over, Fifteen minutes later she arrives and as soon as she gets out the car, Steven walks up to her*

Steven: Hey, you made it

Elizzabeth: Yep, im here

*He tries to hug her, but she quickly dodges out of the way*

Elizzabeth: Dont touch me

Dianna: Everything ok out there?!

Steven: Yea, dont worry about it babe!

Dianna: ok, well the lasagna is almost done!

*He ignores her and walks in the house after Elizzabeth and heads straight towards the kitchen to sit down at the table*

Dianna: Oh, shit you know what

Steven: Whats wrong?

Dianna: I forgot to buy paper plates, im gonna run over to the store real quick.. Can you watch the lasagna for me?

Steven: Uh, sure

Dianna: Cool, ill be back soon

*Then as soon as she left , Steven places his hand on Elizzabeth's thigh and it made her very uncomfortable, so she quickly shoves his hand away and stands up all mad*

Elizzabeth: Ew, what the fuck are you doing you pig?! You have a girlfriend!

Steven: Relax, Shes not here right now.. Besides I dont really care about her anyway

*He gets closer and tries to kiss her , so she ran over towards the sink and sneaks a chopping knife and puts it behind her back, then he smiles and walks over*

Steven: What you got there?

*She looks down then looks back up at him*

Elizzabeth: I'll show you..

*Then she stabs him through the chest hard as she stared into his eyes with lots of rage , then he starts groaning in pain as he slowly collapses on the floor*

Steven: What the fuck?! Did you just stab me?! stupid cunt!

*She shoves the knife in deeper and he bleeds out more and dies immediately, twenty minutes later his girlfriend returns back from the store, and she saw Steven lying in a huge puddle of blood and just drops the paper plates and rushes over fast*

Dianna: Oh my gosh Baby?! Baby talk to me?!

Elizzabeth: Hes dead, and he wasn't a very good boyfriend anyway.. He tried to kiss me

*She says while eating a piece of lasagna*

Dianna: So, you kill him?!

Elizzabeth: Pretty much, and he deserved it  Ever seen the show Dexter?

Dianna: What the fuck is wrong with your head?!

Elizzabeth: I just been hurt a lot , and I dont like to see other people happy together.. even though in this case this guy didn't even love you

Dianna: I dont believe you!

Elizzabeth: Oh , ok then dont I don't care... But uh ,whos idea was it to invite me over for lunch , yours or his? And great lasagna by the way

*Dianna ignores the question and pulls out her cell phone*

Dianna: Im calling the police!

Elizzabeth: Oof , just how dumb are you? You should never announce something like that out loud especially to the killer,  I watch a lot of slasher movies, so I know these things

*Then she slowly approaches her with the same knife she used to kill Steven and smiles evilly at her, so Dianna gets scared, drops her phone and tries to run out the front door, But Elizzabeth grabs her by her hair and slams her face into the fish tank and it shatters all over the floor, Then she picks her up by her shirt as she spits up a lot of blood, and slowly cuts her throat open, and tosses her down , watching her die painfully, then she cleans up everything and walks back home*

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