Chapter 13

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"Orhime?" I called out as I went inside my small apartment. Knowing Orhime was probably in the apartment already since I gave her a key a few yeas back.

"In here" I heard her voice come from the living. I made my way over still not really sure what to tell her. Maybe I could tell her somethings but not all of it, at least not yet. I walked in the living room and saw her sitting on the floor near the coffee table doing her homework. She looked at me with her warm gray eyes that were full of questions and relief. I averted my gaze away and sat across from her.

"I'm glad to see your fine" she said relief clear in her voice.

"Yeah I just over slept that's all" I said since it was the truth but not all of it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her nod. We sat in silence for a while until I felt her hand touch my shoulder making me met her gaze.

"You don't have to tell me anything, I know it must be hard for you, learning about your past" she whispered and she gave me a warm smile that put me at ease.

I shook my head and gave her hand a light squeeze. "You know it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rukia has agreed to answer any questions I have and I might meet my family tomorrow," I explained to her seeing her smile grow wider, her eyes gleaming with delight.

"See you should have looked for them since the very beginning" she exclaimed happily.


After I was scold by Toshiro I headed towards the backyard and sat in silence on the wooden porch swing that was under the shade, admiring the garden full of forget-me-not flowers along with red roses. The soothing sound of the small waterfall that was in the middle of the garden had made me relax. I looked out towards the sun that was ready to set. The peaceful moment that made me forget everything, everything except Ichigo. During these two days he had changed from not wanting to know nothing into wanting to know everything. I felt my lips form a smile as I closed my eyes thinking back to the way he had worried about me, the way he freely touches me showing me he cares, the way he looks at me with his amber eyes full with curiosity. But yet he has not smiled at me not even once-how I would do anything to see him smile.

"What's wrong?" Rangiku said making me open eyes to see it was already dawn making me wonder how long I was day dreaming, before meeting Rangiku's gaze. "You were smiling one minute and then all of sudden it vanished" she continued on.

I shrugged my shoulders unaware that I had done that "I was just thinking, that's all" I informed her, turning to look at the garden once again. "Where's Toshiro?" I asked her before she could ask for any more information. I felt her sit next to me making the swing rock back and forth as she grunt to herself, which meant she had also gotten an earful from Toshiro.

"He's securing the house," she said sighing. I rolled my eyes at the statement. I should have known better. We sat in silence as the sun had already set making it nightfall already and Ichigo should be on his way over by now. "How are things with Ichigo?"

I got up and stretched my arms and turned to look at her sky blue eyes before answering with a smile "There great"


After I told Orhime about Rukia and about my past life- excluding the details of vampires, lycans and her being a queen she seemed pretty excited. She told me about what happened in school the homework assignments and how Ishida was once again absent. Which made me frowned Ishida is what you would call the good student. He's never late, only absent once a year and has good grades.

"Have you've called him?" I asked

"Yeah but his phone is turned off so I left a couple of messages" she said frowning but knowing Orhime a couple would have meant at least twenty maybe more since his phone was off.

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