Chapter 9

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We could no longer hear outside of the small room we were in as Rangiku picked up the air faster making it hard to breath normally. I tried to take long breaths of air and holding it in until I felt my lungs burn yearning for release-It wasn't long until I started gasping. I touched Rangiku's stomach in a panic over and over again but she completely ignored me instead she turn to the brick wall again and furrowed her eyebrows, as the wind dyed down. About to ask what was wrong when she slammed her had into a brick making it go in and letting the door open the way we had come in. The first thing I had noticed when stepping out was how the room was trashed and everything was thrown to the ground, scattered everywhere. The second thing was the smell of something I really couldn't describe. I saw Rangiku scan the room and in finding nothing she relax a bit only to tense up again as we heard a loud crash. Rangiku ran to its direction without saying a word but left with a determined face to eliminate the intruder. I ran after her only to be stop by the sight of a man wearing a dark blue suite with spiky blue hair holding Rukia's left elbow, pulling her towards him.

"It seems were being interrupted" the man said in a playful tone as he leaned in closer to Rukia who just stared at him uninterested. I moved to help Rukia only to be stopped by Rangiku's hand.

"Rukia" her name left my lips as a whisper filled with desperation that had caught me off guard. She turned my way to look at me with a emotionless face that I didn't understand the Rukia I had meet yesterday was full off emotion that she expressed through her delicate features.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Rangiku hissed, narrowing her eyes on the target snapping me way from my thoughts.

"My name is Grimmjow and what I want is right here" he said as he turned Rukia around wrapping a arm around her waist, passing his hand over her stomach and grabbing her chin with his other hand to shake her head. Anger boiled my blood as I watched him but yet annoyed by the way Rukia didn't struggled and instead let him do as he pleased. Without warning Rangiku launched at them but was thrown back right away. A high-pitched laughter filled the room making Rangiku get up immediately only to be slammed against the wall repeatedly. The high-pitched laughter was once again heard as if it was enjoying slamming Rangiku against the wall until she stopped moving. I ran over to help her but my arm was twisted behind my back. I struggled only to feel a sharp object by my throat.

"Enough D-Roy we have what we came for let's us go" Grimmjow said annoyed.

"Rukia!" I yelled as I tried to reach her with my other hand to only be thrown against the floor and feel a hard kick against my back. I groan in pain only to receive another kick.


Without Any much strength I pulled away from Grimmjows hold and launched at D-Roy catching him off guard, I got a hold of his throat and pushed him against a wall. D-Roy was almost my sized only slightly taller with white hair and the most annoying grin on his face

"You should have listen" I hissed in his ear anger boiling my blood as I tried to resist the urge to kill him only learning it was fertile, swiftly putting both hands on his head to instantly freeze his whole body. I turned to where Rangiku laid on the ground unconscious then turn to Ichigo who was barely managing to get up.

"I guess you're not weak as I thought" I heard Grimmjow chuckle. In a second I was in front of him holding him by the throat. I brought him down to my eye level, glaring at him. He didn't seem affected as his turquoise eyes stared at me without fear and without interest. Slowly raising my hand to rest it on his left arm.

"What? Are you falling for me?" His flat tone voice echoed through my ears, that's when his eyes widen, turning to stare at his now frozen arm. I heard him growl and grab my throat but interrupted him when I ripped off his left arm feeling blood splatter on me.

"Don't be ridicules, me fall for you, not even in a million years" I said as I bitterly laughed and threw his frozen arm on the floor, shattering into pieces. He cried out in pain as he struggle keep pressure where his arm used to be. I saw anger flash in his eyes, seeking revenge.

"Grimmjow that's enough come back" a voice echoed in the room as if it where coming from an intercom. "And Miss. Kuchiki I'm truly sorry for not being able to meet with you in person but we shall meet soon" the voice said.

"Why not now? OR are you to scare to show me your face" I said in the most calming voice I could mange. I looked around scanning the room to find nothing but darkness and hear the rapid heartbeat of Ichigo along with his deep breaths. I only received an eerie laughter. Grimmjow groaned in annoyance at the sudden order and knew he wasn't going to let it go.


I saw Rukia freeze D-Roy without hesitating and I saw her freeze Grimmjows arm with intent of killing, I saw her rip his arm in matter of seconds without difficulty as blood splattering on her face, her white clothes mixed with crimson. I heard her laugh a bitterly when she mocked him but yet when I saw him launch at her, anger shinning in his eyes, I quickly pulled Rukia behind me and stood in her place.

"GRIMMJOW!" the voiced yelled in angered.

"You got lucky this time," he said as he shot Rukia a glare and disappeared. I let out a deep sigh and relax only to stiffen when I felt a small cold hand touch my back.

"Relax it's only me" she said in a low soft whisper. I turn to look at Rukia who averted her gaze away from me and slightly smiled. "Your not hurt are you?" she asked still not looking at me.


She nodded her head and walked to Rangiku who was still on the floor unconscious. She kneeled beside her and brushed her hair off of her face to reveal a big gash on her left temple.

"We have to get her help there's a clinic near-" I started to say but was interrupted by howls coming from outside and footsteps that enter the kitchen quickly.

"Your highness forgive us we tried to enter the house but something kept us from doing so" a man said as he approach Rukia with ten more men at his side and kneeled down.

"Quickly take Rangiku to Unohana she must be looked at" she said as she stood up to move out of the way when they came over help take Rangiku. "Also take Ichigo with you he must be examine too"

"No I told you I'm alright but what I want to know is what happen here!" I told her, shaking off arms that came to escort me.

"You need rest and Unohana must see if you're alright we can starting talking tomorrow, …please" I was about to argue but the last word had everyone in the room, who were securing the house, stop what they were doing to stare. She finally looked at me with pleading eyes that this time made me avert my gaze to the floor and rub my neck with my hand.

"Fine but tomorrow you'll have to tell me everything" I said giving in to her request that made her smile.

"What's the rush for all I know we have all eternity to talk"

I was escorted out of the room when Rukia called out making me smirk.

"Glad you decided to come back home"

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