Chapter 8

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After I had told her every detail about Ichigo she seemed pleased of how of a 'big boy' he had come to be without the guidance of parents. Even though she hid her guilt in not being able to be there for him I still saw it in her eyes and the way she wanted to know everything to the last detail. I had told her how we met and the reaction I got from him when I told him I was vampire, only to hear her laugh and comment on his stubbornness. After I had finished talking she just sighed and smiled at me as she reached for my hand to give it a squeeze but I knew she was thanking me once again.

"Will I be able to talk to him?" she asked her eyes almost pleading as looked at me. I took a deep breath only to let out a deep sigh.

"I gave him the choice whether to come back to his old life or to stay in his new one" I told her " he chose to stay in his new one." I saw the disappointment in her eyes when I told her.

"And I guess we have no right to tell him otherwise" She let go of my hand to touch my cheek. "Will you be staying for dinner? I'm sure the girls will be happy to see you and Isshin will be more then thrilled," she said trying to change the subject. I knew she was still trying to cope with the fact that her son was still alive and unable to speak to him.

"I'm sorry but I can't were leaving to Rome tonight" the expression she made only made me regret coming to the house I was only breaking her heart even more. "But I will be back soon the elders have been advising me to move since their on the move again this time their attacking in broad daylight" said I without emotion. I got up from where I sat and headed to the door. I heard her get up and follow me.

"Please be careful Rukia don't do anything reckless and eat actual food not just the red liquid, check your surroundings everywhere you go and never let your guard down walk in the shadows and be sure to-"

"Masaki I know I'm not a child anymore I lived more life times than a cat" I said giving her a full smile and a hug.

"I know I just can't seem to stop worrying about you is all besides a mother is allowed to worry about her children especially the ones who don't visit" she indicated as she gave me a accusing look. I looked around pretending to look for the person she was talking about. "Rukia" she said in a warning tone. I laughed only to hug her again. As long as I could remember I had always seen Masaki and Isshin as parents as my family.

"I'm sorry and I'll give you any news if I hear from Ichigo" I informed. She nodded and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I opened the door only to be pushed out of the way by Masaki.

"You didn't, please tell me you didn't Rukia"


I heard some talking on the other side of the wall but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. I grew nervous by the second expecting Rangiku to talk but she didn't she only pressed her ear against the cold brick wall but something seemed to be disturbing her by the way she kept looking back at me. The room we were in was small maybe enough to fit three people and guessed it was dusty by the musty smell it had and the spider webs that were now all over my face. I heard Rangiku sigh and turn towards me.

"Ichigo you need to slow down your heartbeat" was all she said as I gave her a 'are you kidding me' look.

"Its not like I trained it on command" I whisper harshly. Which only made her sigh even deeper. There was a loud crash outside that me jump and hit my head on the wall. I was about curse but Rangiku covered my mouth before I could say anything. She put her index finger on her mouth telling me to stay quite and pointed to my heart then to her ear. I nodded my head in understanding and tried to keep my mind busy by thinking of a peaceful place- thinking it was working only to feel her poke me hard on the chest where my heart was told me it wasn't. We heard them pound on the wall around the room getting closer were we were at. Rangiku moved her hand upward so not only was she covering my mouth but also my nose. She twirled her left index finger like a tornado but I didn't understand until I felt the air the small room, pick up faster and faster.


"I didn't," I told her.

"And after you waved me off about worrying to much. How can I not worry if you go out by yourself, what if you got attacked or something, here ill drive you home it's almost dark and-"

"Masaki you'll do no such thing. I promise nothing will happen to me," I told her happily as I pulled her back in the house and put myself outside of the door. Her expression showed she was debating whether to agree or disagree. I coughed out loud catching her attention and pointed to my forehead. She smiled and leaned forward, to once again plant a kiss on my forehead. She then took her thumb and rub it across where she had kissed me.

"May the sprits protect you, my child"

"Goodbye Masaki, I promise to come back soon"

I turned to leave when I was a few feet away I heard her whisper 'because I don't think I can bear to lose you or anyone else'. It had caught me off guard but I continued on. Masaki didn't deserve any of this suffering and pain. After I had made sure Masaki was inside safely I started to run. I ran faster and faster until I started using shunpo, coming in and out of view without anybody seeing me. I wanted to run away to be free and be normal I wanted to be with…Ichigo. When I came to the front of the gate of the house I stop noticing the lights were all off and I knew something was wrong. Knowing I shouldn't go in but the fear of the servants that could be in there and Rangiku I didn't know where she was made me take the risk. I walk cautiously, coming to the front door. I stood still trying to listen to any movements when I heard footsteps in the living room near the fireplace along with the sound of wind. That told me Rangiku was in the hiding spot. Oh, Rangiku is going to scold me for doing this. I shunpo fast to the kitchen as fast as I could but wasn't successful when I trip on the rug that was in front of the kitchen door. Silently cursing under my breath as I heard the footsteps run in my direction. I quickly got up but was stop when a man stood in front of me, towering over me as he flashed me a grin I notice then that he had spiky blue hair with turquoise eyes that steadily looked at me.

"Well you're not what I expected," he said

I narrowed my eyes and stood in a fighting position "Well sorry to disappoint" I hissed.

Okay I need help I can't remember If I had Rukia with long or short hair -.-' can someone please help I appreciate it.

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