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AFTER THE GIRLS had gotten dressed, the five of them had made it to a nearby restaurant and were eating their food as Gwen was telling them a story.

"So Connor decides it would be a bright idea to spike the drinks and i kid you not, the entire party was absolutely wasted." Gwen laughed as the others listened and laughed as well.

"Connor would do that." Lily laughed as she took a sip of her drink.

"God, I wish you were there. Everyone was asking for you." Gwen told Sophie with a small smile.

"I would have loved to see Blake and Connor drunk off of their asses." Lily laughed.

"Believe me, they were passed out on Jen's lawn." Sophie remarked.

"Your lives sound so much better than mine." Elijah remarked causing the girls to laugh.

"We just have stupid friends that do stupid shit." Gwen shrugged nonchalantly.

"Do you guys go to the same school as Conrad and Jeremiah?" Elijah asked as he motioned towards Conrad.

"We go to a school right in the city while Connie and Jer go to a school out of the city." Lily explained as Elijah nodded.

"Plus Lily goes to a high pace high school and they learn everything faster than I can even comprehend." Conrad remarked as the three girls rolled their eyes.

"You would excel there if you gave it a chance. I had begged Connie to transfer my freshman year and his sophomore year but he said and I quote 'I don't want to go to a school full of nerds.'" Lily remarked as she did quotation marks.

"I did not say that. You're being dramatic. I told her that I'm not transferring schools and making my mom take Jer and I to two different schools. It just so happened to be a school full of nerds." Conrad shrugged causing the others to laugh.

"It's honestly not as bad as you make it seem. I mean, yeah it's fast paced and a lot of work but it's honestly worth it. Lily over here might actually graduate early." Sophie said as she pointed to Lily.

"Wait, seriously? How come you've never said anything?" Conrad asked after hearing the news.

"Because it's not even a for sure thing and I didn't want to get my hopes up." Lily confessed.

"You have to have more faith in yourself, Lily. I am one hundred percent confident that you'll graduate early and you'll get into Harvard." Elijah reassured Lily.

"Yeah, they would be crazy to not accept you." Conrad agreed with a small smile.

"The only way I can have a for sure spot at Harvard is if I win nationals and that's a long shot, even for me." Lily sighed, the stress of the upcoming track season began eating at her.

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