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THE FOURTH OF JULY was Susannah's favorite holiday of the year and Lily was beginning to despise it.

Every year, the dads would come down for the Fourth of July but it would be the first year they all spent the Fourth together after Lily's dad had died.

It was a hard pill to swallow for Lily. Having to spend the fourth with the Fisher's and the Conklin's without having her father there was hell.

She didn't want to sit there and watch as Adam and John spent the holiday with their kids while her dad was six feet under in some cemetery hours away.

But Lily knew how important this holiday was for Susannah and she was going to suck it up if it meant that Susannah had the best time.

"I'm so glad we get to celebrate your birthday with you this year!" Sophie exclaimed excitedly.

"I know. It'll be nice to have you guys here." Lily smiled as she got ready for the day ahead.

"Tell me, has operation get over Jeremiah, been successful?" Gwen asked with a raised brow.

"Gwen!" Sophie scolded as Lily covered her face with her hands.

"What? I was just asking what we were thinking." Gwen remarked as she rolled her eyes.

"To answer your question, it has been successful. God, there's so much I want to tell you guys but I don't want anyone to overhear." Lily frowned.

"We will literally be there tomorrow afternoon. I think we can wait a day to hear the gossip of the summer." Sophie retorted with a laugh.

"Speak for yourself, Sophie. I, for one, cannot wait until tomorrow to hear all of the gossip. At least tell me a slither of it." Gwen begged dramatically.

"You seriously can't wait 24 hours?" Sophie deadpanned at the redhead.

"No! Lily has been gone for nearly two months and we have not heard much about Elijah or whether or not operation get over Jeremiah, has been successful!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Okay, let's not call it that." Lily laughed as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"Look, things have been different this summer." Lily started, unsure if she should detail her newfound feelings for Conrad.

"Like, a good different or a bad different?" Sophie asked softly.

"It's definitely different." Lily chuckled before looking down at the camera.

"Elijah's a great guy and I think I can see myself falling for him." Lily continued as she played with her rings.

"But?" Gwen asked with a raised brow.

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