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LILY SAT BESIDE CONRAD as the two listened to the waves crash onto the beach, a fond smile finding it's way to Lily's face as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of sand between her toes.

It was time like these with Conrad that made Lily value her friendship with Conrad. He was the only one who brought a sense of comfort to her after her dad died.

He understood what she needed and didn't allow for her to grieve alone. Conrad had become her person after Lily's father died and Lily loved Conrad for it.

He never allowed for her to feel alone. He was always there whether she needed to talk, cry, or just have someone to hold her. He was there.

And that did not go unnoticed by Jeremiah. He noticed how Conrad had texted Lily all summer last year and he didn't receive much other than a text saying she's fine.

He also noticed how Lily had immediately pulled Conrad aside the second she arrived and was now only exclusively hanging around him.

Jeremiah didn't know why it bothered him so much but it did. He hadn't seen Lily for a year and she was just tossing him aside as if he was trash.

Now the tanned boy found himself sitting in the backyard, watching both Lily and Conrad sit on the beach.

He couldn't help but notice how different she looked from the last time he saw her.

She was different, mature and Jeremiah couldn't help but notice how her eyes sparkled and how the freckles danced across the bridge of her nose.

Lily had grown right before his eyes. Why didn't he notice her before?

"It feels good to be back." Lily smiled as she enjoyed the feeling of the sun on her skin.

"I've missed everyone." Lily sighed as she opened her eyes, her brown orbs meeting Conrad's blue irises.

"We've missed you too. It wasn't the same without you last summer." Conrad admitted as he turned his body to face Lily's.

"Believe me, I know." Lily breathed out as she drew shapes in the sand. "Don't get me wrong, Sophie and Gwen are the absolute best but they weren't you guys." Lily stated honestly.

"I'm just glad you're here now." Conrad smiled at Lily. "Me too." Lily smiled back before an idea popped into her head.

"You know what would make this day even better?" She asked as her eyes shined with a mischievous glint.

"What?" Conrad asked, slightly scared by the look Lily had in her eyes.

"Dancing." Lily answered as she stood up and dusted the sand off of her shorts.

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