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(Tw: nightmares, memory loss, not canon compliant, sharing a bed, implied showering together).

**set after when angles fall**

Ship: garrence

His breaths were staggered and uneven, becoming more and more unsteady with each step as he ran through the snowy mountains.

He stilled at the sight of Zane's limp, lifeless body hanging from a tree, swinging in the wind.

'This isn't real' Garroth mumbled to himself, trying to regain his breath.

Garroth started to twitch the tips of his ears.

'This isn't real I wasn't a werewolf then' Garroth reasoned with his own mind.

The wind stopped as Garroth's field of vision shrunk until he was left in the dark void.

the empty.

"Garroth?" Laurence's voice echoed through the dark.

"L-Laurence!" Garroth yelled in the direction he believed Laurence's voice came from.

A chair appeared, Zane beaten and bruised sat in it.

"Zane?" Garroth exclaimed wanting to run to him but he was frozen in place.

"Six?" Zane's voice boomed, loud enough for Garroth's ears to flatten against his head.

"Zane?, Zane it's me, it's Garroth your big brother!" Garroth screamed trying to move.

"Careful, don't strain his memory, he has long left live, and he'll forget how to breathe soon"

Laurence's voice spat, his voice shifting to another, someone else's, Michael's.

Garroth couldn't truly react as he was interrupted by strangled gasps for air.

"Z-Zane?... Baby brother!" Garroth screeched desperately trying to get to him his legs finally moving but with every step the blonde werewolf took forward Zane moved backwards.

Garroth woke up to Laurence lightly shaking his shoulders.

Once he saw Garroth's eyes open Laurence let out a sigh of relief, dropping down into the bed beside Garroth again.

"Was it a bad one?" Laurence questioned, it was all he felt he needed to do.

Garroth had horrific nightmares that left him inconsolable for the first five weeks following their return from Starlight but they began to become less common as time passed and he and Laurence started sharing a bed.

Garroth and Laurence were lying on their sides facing each other, they put their foreheads together both feeling at peace together.

"I got lost in the woods near the lodge and found Zane's body, and then the darkness-"

"It doesn't matter, you're not lost any more love, You are here with me, we're exactly where we're supposed to be, together" Laurence interrupted so Garroth wouldn't upset himself.

"You're right" Garroth smiled connecting the tips of their noses and then their lips.

"I love you" Garroth grinned.

"I love you too, little wolf" Laurence chuckled.

Garroth and Laurence shifted so they were hugging, staring into each other's eyes as if they'd found the answers to all of the world's secrets within them.

Laurence and Garroth stayed in each other's arms until the alarm to wake up went off.

"Time to get up" frowned Laurence, who started to pull away until Garroth pulled him back.

Garroth and Zane one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now