8. Emerald jacket.

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Emerald jacket:

(Panic attack)

*after emerald secret*

No one had really been the same since coming back from the lodge, Aphmau had been struggling without Aaron, Lucinda hadn't been using her magic, and Garroth and Zane hadn't left each others side.

The brothers found themselves sleeping in the livingroom or in Garroth's.

Laurence had wondered what had caused the two to become closer but he didn't want to ask, Zane and Garroth were both rather clingy towards each other but he didn't want to ask.

Laurence sorta started to take care of Garroth and Zane, making them meals, making sure that they went outside enough, and comforting them when they woke up from nightmares, which happened almost everynight.

Zane often woke up screaming, hyperventilating and inconsolable where as Garroth would seek out Zane.

Garroth didn't want to talk about it but ever since what happened at the lodge he'd been scared of loosing Zane, Garroth couldn't really talk about his fear as even the thought made him want to cry.

Garroth laid on the livingroom sofa with Zane's legs across his lap, as he scrolled through his phone, Laurence walking in with a donut for both brothers.

Laurence handed both brothers there donuts before sitting on the other side of Garroth wrapping an arm around Garroth shoulder, like people in the movies.

"So what are we watching?" Laurence asked.

"I'm playying block game on my phone, and Zane's watching my Little horsies" Garroth explained with a grin.

"Okay...do you two have plans today?" Laurence questioned.

"Nope, just this I guess" bit into his donut.

"Do you want to come to the store with me?".

"Zane?" Garroth received a slight nod from Zane.

"Yeah" Zane stood up taking Garroth's hand pulling him up.

"Jaket and mask then Zane" Laurence ordered softly, knowing how cold Zane got could and that as of late Zane had forgotten his mask and then he'd freak out without it.

"Okay fine" Zane smiled, heading upstairs.

"Why are we going to the shop,is there soming we need" Garroth wondered glaring at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Zane to come downstairs, honestly getting anxious.

Garroth shifted weight from one foot to the other.

"Hey are you okay?" Laurence placed a hand on Garroth's shoulder, grounding him.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" Garroth lied.

Zane walked downstairs wearing a black and green plad jaket with a plain black mask.

Garroth's eyes meet with the green of the jacket causing memories to flash before him as he started to hyperventerlate.

"G-Garroth?" Laurence stuttered, removing his hand from Garroth's shoulder, helping Garroth sit down.

Zane noticing Garroth sit on the coffe table struggling to breath, staring at him.

Zane looked down before realising the color that the jaket was happened to be emerald green, Zane hadn't been thinking when he threw the jaket Travis had giving him on.

The jaket was thrown to the ground, Zane running to his brother's side.

"Garroth breath" Zane begged.

"L-Laurence go get warter... in a warter bottle not a glass".

Laurence didn't want to leave Garroth's side but he swiftly advanced towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Garroth it's okay, we're home, we're okay, I'm here, everything is okay"

Zane wispeared sitting closer.

Garroth started counting his fingers, slowly breathing yet not quite with ease.

"Breath thats right, everything will be okay big brother" Zane held Garroth hand.

Garroth started to cry.

"Hey come on none of that, you're going to mess up your breathing again" Zane frowned, hugging Garroth.

"Here" Laurence handed the warter bottle to Garroth.

Garroth sipped on the warter.

"I-I don;t want to ever loose you again" Garroth cried, making no note of the fact that Laurence was still there.

"You're not going toloosing me again okay, I'm here".

"What happened?, what do you mean, talking about nearly loosing Zane did he almost die?"

Laurence asked horrified at the idea, as he'd grown rather close to him since the return of those who were at the lodge.

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