3. You are perfect for as long as you are you.

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You are perfect for as long as you are you- 

(TW: Homophobia, the F slur, stabbing, swearing, insecure zane, zane in pain.)

parties, one of Zane's least favourite social activities, Honestly the news that he was expected to attend one ruined his weekend.

Zane's friend Jay had moved from the city to Zane's town and had decided to throw a housewarming party.

Jay had moved to a house, walking distance from Zane, Garroth, and Laurence's house, So the excuse of not being able to get a ride to the part was thrown out the window.

Zane decided that he'd attend the part for an hour or two and then walk home the scenic route, through the little park halfway between Jay and Zane's houses.

Jay knew that parties weren't Zane's thing and they were just happy that he even showed up so they didn't stop Zane from leaving an hour and a half into the party, despite the fact he'd be walking home alone at seven o'clock at night.

Zane knew his way home, Jay'd moved close to Zane's favourite cafe so he'd walked the route hundreds of times although not usually in the dark.

Anxiety hit Zane like a wave during a wind storm as he kicked a rock that had once sat in front of where Zane stood.

three guys walked up to Zane circling him, two blonde werewolves on either side of him and a man who looked to be human standing directly in front of him.

"Hello, can I help you?" Zane practically groaned.

"Maybe, you've just come from that F*g's house party right?" the werewolf to Zane's right asked with a slight growl.

"My friend's house party, don't call them that!" Zane gnarled.

"Ooh so defensive let me guess you an F*g as well" the apparent leader chuckled.

The guy that Zane assumed was the leader seemed human maybe he could hit him and run.

With a sigh, Zane decided that he wasn't going to stand down.

"I'm bi, so what, move out of my way so I can get home" Zane snapped.

"Oh you think that you can tell me what to do, you've got quite the nerve considering you're hiding behind a mask" the leader resorted.

"Move. out. Of. my. Way." Zane ordered pulling down his mask.

The leader crossed his arms with a manic smile " you know what sure we'll leave you alone".

The werewolves started smiling before pulling sharp kitchen knives out of the waistbands of their pants.

The man to the left stabbed Zane in the side with slight hesitation.

"Come on Pablo we've talked about this don't hesitate, don't play nice" the leader barked pushing the werewolf aside and grabbing the handle of the knife impaled in Zane's side before twisting the knife a little and pulling it out slowly wanting Zane to suffer.

"And you are you going to try to be gentle on the F*g?" the leader asked the other werewolf.

The wolf to the right shook his head shoving Zane to the ground and peering over him.

The wolf's smile was somehow more deranged than the leaders had been.

"What a pretty face you've got F*ggot, such a shame to ruin it" the werewolf smirked,

Dragging his blade against the bottom right side of his chin up to the base of his nose.

Zane stopped himself from screaming but he couldn't control the crying.

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