7. I-I can't.

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I-I can't.

(TW: eating disorder sort of, throwing up).

**before emerald secret**

It wasn't intentional, it wasn't a set decision that he made but Zane stopped eating.

Zanne was a busy guy and there were times that he simply didn't have time to eat.

There were times Zane felt far to overwhelmed with tasks to stop for lunch or where he used up all of his energy and skipped tea.

Zane's habit of skipping meals only got worst when he moved in with Garroth and Laurence,

Donte and Travis were always over causing chaos that Zane believed to be far to overwhelming to go downstairs.

Garroth started tonotice that Zane was looking rather sick, thin, and tiered, Zane had also been moving around alot slower.

Garroth had always been a rather good cook, he'd passed with straight A's through out highschool and collage in home ec but he opted to keep that fact a secret, Believing that Zane may appreciate some soup and a few mini cupcakes Garroth headed to the kitchen and got to work.

Zane was laying down, awake, he'd had a long day at work his energy was very low.

The thought of making himself something to eat didn't even cross his mind as Zane removed his mask, scrolling through a random online article on his phone until it got overly boring causing him to Slam his phone onto his bedside table.

Zane made eye contact with his alarm clock wich read 7:42 pm.

A loud knock sounded before the door swung open.

"I didn't say come in" Zane groaned.

"To bad baby brother, I've coe with peace offerings at least" Garroth chuckled.

Zane sighed sitting up at the head of his bed so he could see Garroth properly, his eyes a bit fuzzy from the movement.

Garroth placed a plate and bowl on Zanes bedside table, moving Zanes phone out of the way gently throwing it onto the bed.

Zane locked eyes with the small plate of three minin cupcakes.

"T-thank you" Zane stuttered confused by how the smell and look of his favourite treat made him feel physically sick.

"Are you alright, you're looking at the cupcakes in a way that someone would poisin you".

"I'm fine" Zane said, clearly unsure.

Zane's eyes widened as he bolted passed Garroth and out of the door barely making it to the toilet before throwing up.

"Good thing you weren't wearing your mask" Garroth attempted to joke, leaning on the doorframe of the Bathroom.

"I-I'm fine...I wasn't feeling unwell" Zane spoke more to himself than his brother.

"Umm...okay well do you think that your done throwing up?" asked Garroth, Zane nodded.

Garroth followed Zane back to Zane's room.

Zane evidently returned to sitting on his bed, Garroth handing him the empty trash can from under the desk.

"Just in case" Garroth responded to Zanes confused expression.

Zane nodded picking up and staring at one of the cupcakes, not eating it.

Zane hadn't eaten anything in almost two weeks so he just eyed the food, the sight if it and the idea of eating it making him feel like he'd be in trouble or something if he ate.

"Are you going to eat that or do you think doing that will make you sick again?" Garroth asked causing Zane to shrug.

Zane made eye contactact with Garroth before putting the cupcake down, fiddling with his sleeves with tears rolling down his face.

"W-whoah...what's going on are you okay?" Garroth asked, sitting on Zane's desk chair.

"I...Don't know...I don't think so" Zane shrugged.

"Okay, that's alright, is it the food, have you had a bad day at work?".

"I-I think that I can't eat" Zane admitted.

"Oh?" Garroth exclaimed, not judging but definitely confused.

"I was fine b-but then I saw the food and felt sick" Zane rubbed at his eyes.

"O-Okay well what was the last time I ate?".

"I...had an apple two weeks ago" Zane frowned.

"Zane that's really not good for you" Garroth sighed.

S-Sorry?" Zane sobbed, wishing that he was wearing his mask as it had always given him a sense of comfort.

"You don't have to say sorry...look why don't you try drink your soup and we can go and try get you to see a doctor tomorrow".

"We?" Zane questioned hicupping.

"Yeah we, I don't know whats going on but I'm here for you" Garroth promised.

Zane whipped the tears off his face,sniffling.

"What...what if there is something really wrong with me... I can't even eat that can not be good" Garroth looked at his brother with concern, Zane had usually hidden his thoughts and emotions from him and he was being very open, Garroth took that as Zane being scared.

"If it's bad then we'll get you some help,everything will be okay" Garroth forced himself to smile.

Zane stopped figitting, going still of movement entirely, clearly deep in thought.

Zane hugged Garroth without warning, Garroth hugging back surprised.

Garroth handed Zane the bowl of soup but Zane couldn't keep it down for long, Garrroth rubbing cicles on Zanes back.

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