13. Crashing Part Two:

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Crashing Part Two:

(talks of amputation, character death, injuries from a motor accident, Implied assault)

Ships: garrence and zanvis)

Travis, Laurence and Vlayd were all brought chairs so they didn't have to stand, not that Laurence used his he laid besid Garroth curled up to him, hugging him.

Travis sat beside Zane's bed his hand intertwined with Zane's his head next to there hands as he slept.

"Mum and Dad should be here soon" Vlayd warned Garroth.

"Okay," Garroth nodded looking down at Laurence and then over at Zane.

"Should we wake Travis up?" Laurence wondered.

"No, with zane and, and Donte, just let hi rest" Vlayd reasoned standing from his chair to check up on Zane.

Vlayd hadn't seen his older brother without a face mask and hair covering one side of his face for over a decade, he found it unsettling.

A horrified gasp came from the doorway drawing attention to the fact that Ziana and Garte had arrived.

"Mum" Vlayd squeaked, running up to his mum and hugging her.

"Garroth my boy how are y-" Garte cut himself off as he noticed the dip in the bed where Garroth's leg once would've been.

Laurence hopped off the bed moving over to where Zane and Travis were.

"Wake up" Laurence whispered, waking Travis up.

Ziana only cried more when she noticed Garroth's leg or lack of one.

"Oh my poor baby" Ziana sobbed wrapping her arms around him.

"M-Mummy it's okay" Garroth assured, he hadn't really let himself think about it yet his focus was on his baby brother.

"What other injuries do you have?" Garte asked not even sparing at look in Zane's direction.

"A few stitches".

A loud gut-wrenching sob escaped Ziana's lips as she unwrapped her arms from around Garroth and noticed Zane.

"I-It's bad" Travis spoke up, unsure what else to say.

"Mum there still running some more tests but-" Vlayd was cut off by Ziana hugging him again.

"Who was driving son, what happened?" Garte interrogated, glaring at Garroth.

"All of that can wait" Ziana scolded.

"His arms broken, shoulder dislocated, and there's spinal damage" cried Travis.

"And there's other test they need to do" Laurence added.

"Spinal damage so there's a chance he's-"

"They won't know if he's paralzed until he wakes up" Vlayd informed somberly.

Garte and Zane had always had a very complicated relationship there personalities clashing far to often, but Zane was still Garte's son and he loved him and he was scared for him.

"No,NO, don't be dramatic he'll be fine...right Garroth?".

Garroth shook his head remembering what Doctor V had said.

"There's a chance he could be".

There was a long pause a moment of near silence before Garte spoke,

"I-I have a friend who works wit high tech prosthetics I'll give him a call, get you on a list or something".

Garte left the room to make his call, calling his friend for Garroth being the only thing he could think to do to help.

"Mummy can you go find a doctor and ask if I can have more pain meds?" Garroth begged.

"Y-You're in pain?" Laurence asked, the medication Garrroth was on was really strong and Garroth had always had a strangely high pain tolararence.

Garroth nodded.

Ziana speed out the room to find someone.

Not liking seeing Garroth in pain Vlayd walked over to Garroth hugging him without warning.

Vlayd had been decenty unaffected by physical contact up until his early twenty's, following which he hated being touched, Garroth had his theory on what caused the change but he'd rather not confirm or think about it, so when Vlayd hugged him he was shocked.

"Garroth" Vlayd whispered, still hugging him.


"I Love you".

I love you too little brother" Garroth whispered back.

Ziana and a nurse came in to give Garroth more medication, another nurse wheeling Gene back in shortly afterwards.

"Hey, how did the scans go?" Travis asked, Gene not responding.

Travis looked at Garroth concerned.

"Got you on that list, it's a six week wait though" Garte announced walking back into the room.

Time passed slowly, Travis stayed by Zane's bedside and Laurence and Vlayd at Garroths.

Ziana and Garte left promising to be back in the morning.

Gene fell asleep first everyone else following shortly after.

Bright blue eyes fluttered open landing on the sight of plale white hair, Travis's hair.

"T-Travis" Zane croaked as he squeezed Travis's hand.

"Zane?" Travis mumbled as he began to wake up.

"Zane!" Travis repeated as he remembered the situation they were in.

"Never scare my like that again Love" Travis cried kissing Zane's forehead.

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