Part 5

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I woke up when the light rays of sunlight directly fell over my face. The rays disturbed the short sleep I was into. But why did I have so short sleep?? That's when realisation sunk in. I made love to Arnav. My eyes open so suddenly. The last night incident's memories came crashing down. I saw myself, I am wearing Arnav's black shirt of last night, and nothing else. From where the hell did I got so bold? What was I high on? Did they serve any drugs in the party? Because nowhere in my sane mind would I do what I did last night.

But , do I regret the feeling of being loved by Arnav? Obviously not. Not at all. Yes I delved in the passion, and yes I'm not sure about my feelings, but do I trust him with my everything? Yes.

I was pondering over this when the doors of the bedroom opened, with Arnav bringing the breakfast. I tightly shut my eyes not knowing how to face him now.

" Someone's being scared cat while being the wild cat whole night." He joked, while sitting beside me.

" Shut up." I hit him with the pillow lightly. The aroma of hot tea and freshly made aalo ke parathe made my stomach grumble. I sat up straight started drinking tea. The passion of last night replaced with friendly, comfortable silence. " What's with this cat reference, do I look like cat to you?"

" You scratched like one. My whole back stings" he winked.

" Please stop." Blush crept all over my face. I covered my face with both my hands.

" You were saying the exact opposite, last night " he wispered in my ears, turning me more red than red itself.

" By the way " he removed my hands from my face " thik ho tum?" ( are you okay?) He asked all serious. I just smiled and pecked him softly.

" Do I look like I'm not? Right now I'm ready to take you another time." I wispered in his ears. And before I could move away from him he turned his face and captured my lips in an earth shattering kiss. Definitely the best morning of my life.

" Don't tempt me more with your words than I already am, seeing you in my shirt." He growled while I bit his ears. " You must be sore from last night. You sure? "

" Damn , stop asking me that everytime. It's such a turn off." I kissed him hard and bit his lips making him hiss.

" I'll do it even after 100th time. Get habituated with it."  He said and pushed me to the mattress. The aalo ke parathe long forgotten. I know it's a huge disrespect to my favourite food but in lieu of that I'm getting more tastier thing which became my recent favourite, so no complaint.

The next week went in jiffy. Arnav really showed me his love, the most beautiful form of love. The love I never thought I will get but was secretly craved for. A love where is everything, care, attention and love. We went on few dates, always spent time with each other at every given occasions. Arnav is the best man I have ever known. He always showed me how much he loves me, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly , his soft touches, his stares when he thinks I'm not noticing, him giving attention to my every words as if they hold the key to solve most of world's problem. I truly am living my kind of fairy tale. The 3rd day of our courtship, mom caught on me blushing while talking to him , and thus she knew about our love affair, and with her due blessings we spend more time with eachother. Even Arnav told his di about us and she was so happy that her chotte has found his love , his partner and companion. Earlier, him having a sister bothered me a lot due to the scar given by my bua and father, but after meeting Anjali di I'm relieved that she's anything but like my bua.

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