chapter 12

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Lias pov

"And then he brought me the most DISGUSTING polyester sweater" Zoey rambled on about her sugar daddy.

"Oh, that must've sucked" I said, trying to make it seem like i was interested. Zoey nodded and looked down at her phone and started scrolling.

"Hey um.." I said, causing her to look up. She tilted her head, waiting for a response.

"Um so.. do you know Jake?" I asked.

"Jake who..?" She rose an eyebrow.

"I dont know his last name but he has blonde hair" I replied.

"hmmm" she thought, looking around the hall before stopping and pointing at someone.

"That Jake?" She asked, I looked behind me to see Jake.

"Yes! That one! What do you know about him?" I asked, surely she would know something.

"Umm, well hes kinda weird. He hangs out with these music nerds. Hes apart of Haileys group. I dont know why, he could be popular he has the looks." Zoey shrugged. Then, I had an idea.

"What if I make him popular?" I asked.

"I mean, you could try but he seems pretty inlove with Hailey— DREWY BEAR!!" She tan over to drew and left me in my thoughts.

What if I made him popular? Hailey most likely told him about me.. I could say I changed? Maybe be nice to Hailey?? Screw Hailey, I'll just make sure she doesnt see me talking to him. God im so smart.

Haileys pov

It was free period and i was catching up on some reading in the library. I love the library. Its the only place where i can get away from everything and everyone and just be alone with my thoughts. Speaking on thoughts, I cant beleive Lias back. I probably should tell Jake but i dont want him to be involved with any drama. And speaking of Jake, what is this feeling i get when im with him? Why do i feel so fluttery and happy when he talks to me, or when we make eye contact. I've never really liked anyone, but theres a first for everything right? But what if he just leaves me like everyone else. I doubt it, he seems so sweet.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked out the window to see... Jake?? And LIA?? Oh your kidding me. How did she even meet him? And he looked so happy with her. They were talking and laughing, he seemed to be having the best time with her. Why dose she have to come back and ruin my life AGAIN. I have to talk to Jake.

Jakes pov

I was walking down the hallway, getting some water and somehow i ended up talking to Lia?? I dunno, Lias nice i guess. The name sounds familiar though. I cant put my finger on where from. Do i knoe anyonr called Lia or- Ohhh, Haileys ex bestfriend. I dont think this is her though. Hailey basically described her as a monster and this Lia is nice and-

"Jake? Are you listening?" Lia cut me off my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry I just zoned out a bit. Umm, I have to meet a friend, I'll talk to you later!" I said then walked in the opposite direction. I walked past the library and looked in to see Haileys blue hair sticking out, I smiled and walked in. I sat on the chair infront of her and she looked up.

"Hi hails" I whispered, since its the library.

"Oh hi." she whispered back, she sounded kinda mad.

"Are you okay?" I asked, still whispering.

"Yeah, great" she replied bluntly. I knew something was up.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. Hailey looked back down at her book and didnt say a word. She was mad, but about what?

I frowned, "Hailey please dont be mad i dont know what i did i-"

"why are you hanging out with Lia?" she cut me off.


"Lia. Shes my ex bestfriend Jake, did she not tell you?" Hailey looked back up from her book and looked straight into my eyes.

Ohhh so that is the Lia.

"No, she didnt. Im sorry Hailey" I apologised.

"Whatever, you seemed to be having fun with her" Hailey grumbled.

"Well shes not all that bad, maybe shes changed"

Hailey slammed her book shut, "mhhm" she mumbled then got up and stormed out.

"Ooooh someones in trouuubleeee" 2 guys teased in sync. I looked over to see one guy who had green hair, green eyes, he was just all green honestly. He looked kinda like Deku. And the guy next to him had reddish hair and eyes. We're these guys like colour coded?

"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes. They exchanged glances and walked over to my table and took a seat.

"So, whats the issue?" The red guy asked.

"Its nothing."

"Hm okay, well anyways i'm Liam and thats Henry. He plays anime dating games" Liam smirked at Henry.

"Hey! Thats not all i do!" Henrys face went red and he glared at Liam.

I chuckled, "No thats cool i love anime."

"I'm Jake by the way."

im sorry this was short againnn but ill try and make the next chapter longer 🫶

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