Chapter 11

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My fingertips lightly twist the tips of her long brown hair as I take in the sweet scent of her coconut shampoo. The sun begins to rise, giving her beautiful face a golden glow. She has been asleep with her arm around me and her head on my shoulder for hours. I'm not sure what time it is but I am sure I'm late for everything I had planned this morning. For some reason I don't mind. My eyes move down from her long lashes, past her perfect little nose, to her full lips. They appear so soft and I have to fight the urge to touch them. Her scent is intoxicating and only encourages my morning excitement. The only thing that could make this moment better would be her waking up, kissing me, and allowing me to bury myself in her.

The thought alone drives me wild. I've mostly managed to keep my thoughts about her PG-13, however after seeing her naked backside the other day they haven't been so innocent. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep when she begins moving. She accidentally rubs her knee against my rock hard erection and I have to hold back the moan that threatens to escape. Her body freezes when she realizes where she is and she carefully peels herself away from me. I wait until I hear the door close before I open my eyes. As much as I miss her warmth beside me, I'm glad I can now move freely. My back aches but as long as she was comfortable I wasn't moving. Once she is out of sight, I make my journey back towards the house.


Anthony is pacing in my office impatiently. I'm only two hours late. A small smile plays on my lips as I think about why. "What the fuck are you smiling about? I've been waiting for hours."

"I woke up to a beautiful woman this morning."

He rolls his eyes. "Did Isabel get you another hooker?"

Ignoring him, I sit on the edge of my desk. "Are the men here? How are they?"

My men that got shot have been stable so we moved them here for their safety. I need to get to some information from them although I already have a pretty good idea of who's responsible for this. "Alex passed away last night. We haven't told his wife yet. Frank is recovering and seems to be fully aware. Doc is keeping an eye on him still."

"Damn it," I sigh, rubbing the stubble on my jaw. "Let's go talk to him."

We make our way to the opposite side of the warehouse and up the stairs to the holding room located in the back corner of the building. I enter the room to find Frank laying in cot. There is a chair located in the middle of the room beside him where Doc sits. His eyes meet mine, nodding once before dismissing himself from the room. Anthony closes the door behind him and I take a long moment to look Frank over. His left arm is in a sling and he has a large bandage over the right side of his chest. He has several cuts and bruises on him but the most noticeable is his purple eye that is swollen shut. I can tell he has a cast around his leg beneath the blanket. "Who did this to you?"

"I overheard one of the guys call him Jeremiah. He had the name Nicole tattooed on his face below his right eye. He was about six feet tall and maybe two forty. Early thirties maybe. I think he was white but he was kind of tan. He had curly dirty blonde hair. I think it was one of Nico's men but I'm not sure."

Nico is based in California and is one of the biggest assholes around. One of his biggest clients decided to leave him and come to me for business. I believe he's responsible for the plane crash as well but I have no concrete evidence. He's wanted me dead for years. Frank's statement is enough reason for me to push back. I won't allow this to continue. I glance back at Anthony to make sure he's heard it as well. "Anything else we should know?"

"He said to tell you you're next."

Although the idea of him wishing death upon me has been sitting in the back of my mind for months, hearing it aloud puts it into perspective. I shouldn't have brought Isabel here. Traveling together in public view isn't the smartest thing to do when I'm being targeted. I've already put her life at risk once. Carrying around that guilt while having to look into her eyes each day is a terrible feeling. Shaking my head of the thoughts, I exit the room without another word. Anthony is quick to follow. "What are we going to do?"

The Wrong Side of HeavenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz