Chapter 7

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Jay has asked me to drive to his office in the city today to drop off a file he forgot on his desk at the house. Jade had fun dressing me up for the event. I, on the other hand, did not. Thankfully she opted for a rather simple dress that is form fitting. He left his Maserati behind again so I get to ride around in style. His office is the top floor of the largest building in the city. I've passed this place hundreds of times and don't ever remember seeing his name on it until now. Valet takes my hand and helps me out of the car, handing me a tag. "Have a nice day ma'am."

I smile politely before making my way inside to the lavishly decorated building. There's even someone to press the button in the elevator for you! God forbid you have to press the button yourself. I glance over myself through the mirrored walls. My typically flat hair falls down my back in waves and my lips are glossed. I will admit, it feels nice putting a little effort into myself again. I haven't cared for myself as I should since my breakup and it's only gotten worse since the accident. I'll strive to do better from now on. Jade is a huge help. She did my makeup and dressed me up. It'll definitely help me get to a better place physically and mentally. When I can't sleep or wake up from a nightmare, I've been going to the gym. That's also helped. Thankfully I haven't ran into Carter again.

The elevator doors open once we reach the top floor and I step out. My heels click with every step as I make my way to the receptionist's desk. She's blonde with blue eyes and pale skin. Her cleavage just about falls out of her dress. Glancing around, I notice a common theme throughout the office. "How can I help you?" the receptionist asks with a polite smile.

"My name is Isabel. I'm here to see Mr. Medina."

"Ah, yes. He mentioned you were stopping by," she says as she stands up. "Right this way."

I follow her to a set of large wooden double doors. She knocks twice before opening the door a little and peeking in. She opens the door the rest of the way and allows me to enter. Jay is on the phone but watches me carefully as I take slow steps towards him. My lips part in awe as I look at the view. Two out of four walls are complete glass with an astonishing view of the city. Setting the file on his desk, I continue walking to the window. It's both beautiful and nerve wrecking. I'm not afraid of heights but seeing the street below me gives me anxiety. Just another side effect from the plane crash. My eyes move back up to the buildings and my worries wash away. "You look beautiful today," Jay says from behind me.

I chuckle. "Just today? Jade felt like playing dress up. She did well."

"No, always. Even in your favorite pair of leggings and t-shirt."

Turning towards him, I see him smirking. Crossing my arms over my chest, I take a few steps towards him. "You wouldn't understand unless you wore leggings. It's like... the freedom of no pants but... with pants."

"I think I'd prefer the no pants option," he laughs. "Thank you for dropping this off. I don't know how I forgot it."

"No problem. That's what I'm here for."

"Your first check was deposited into your bank account this morning. Just make sure you see it on your end and let me know if there's any issues."

"Will do. Let me know if you need anything," I say, turning to leave.

"Hey." I turn back towards him to see him checking the time on his watch. "Would you like to join me for lunch?"

I find myself smiling a little. The offer is sweet but I promised my mom I'd stop by for lunch today since I haven't seen her since I moved out. "I would love to but I promised my mom I'd stop by her house for lunch. You can tag along if you'd like. She still gushes about you from time to time."

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