Chapter 4

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Jade is absolutely gorgeous. She has shoulder length wavy, black hair with dark green highlights and big green eyes to match. What a fitting name for her, it fits her beautifully - just like the leopard print top and leather pants she's wearing. I learn that she's in charge of the "boutique" as she calls it. It's a large room with two levels of clothing racks on the two side walls. The back wall is full of dresses and each side of the door there are shoe racks. There are three drawers lining the floors underneath the clothing racks. In the center of the room there is a round table that only holds a vase of flowers with a beautiful chandelier hanging above it. Everything is perfectly organized.

She helps pick out a few outfits in my size and I'm thankful for her help. Fashion isn't my strong suit. If it were up to me, I'd only wear leggings or jeans with t-shirts. Thankfully she finds me some clothing to help me blend in a little more while also allowing me to be comfortable. I make a mental note to come back and visit her again soon. I feel like she's someone I could easily get song with. I drop the items off in my room before heading to the back patio as Jay instructed. Once again, he is nowhere to be found but I run into Anthony. "Hey, do you know where Jay went?"

He glances around. "I think he went with Kim. He will be back soon."

"Kim," I say, thinking aloud. "Is she the one who kissed him earlier? Is that his girlfriend?"

He chuckles. "Basically. Although neither of them call each other boyfriend or girlfriend. They take care of each other," he shrugs.

"Oh," I say. I shouldn't have asked, it's none of my business but my curiosity got the best of me. "I'm going to grab a drink."

Turning, I head back inside and grab a drink. It's stronger than I'm used to but I welcome it. I need to relax. Wandering into the living room, I stop in front of the fireplace where there are a couple picture frames sitting on the mantle. The picture on the left is a black and white photo of a young couple. The woman is stunning and it's a beautiful picture. The picture on the right is of a family of four. The young boy slightly resembles Jay but I couldn't be sure. Hearing the floor creak behind me, I glance over my shoulder only to be greeted with a familiar face. "I heard you were coming but I had to see for myself."

"Hailey," I say in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here now," she says, leaning in the doorway. "What are you going here? I can't believe William let you out of the house alone."

I frown, the guilt of my past setting in. Hailey and I were best friends for as long as I can remember. Last year, there was a time when she really needed me and I wasn't there for her due to my relationship with William. He wouldn't allow me to be there for her. He wanted my life to revolve around him. Unfortunately this ended my friendship with Hailey. I completely understand. I probably would have done the same if she had been such a horrible friend. No one understands the grip a narcissistic and abusive partner has on a person unless they've been in that situation themselves. "Hailey, I'm so sorry," I say softly. "I was a shitty friend. William and I aren't together anymore."

She raises an eyebrow in surprise. "I'm surprised. I thought you'd never leave that piece of shit."

I sigh. "He left me actually. He's already begged for me back."

She stares at me for a long moment. "Watch your back around here. You aren't cut out for a place like this. You're only here because you were in that plane and Jay feels guilty."

My lips part in surprise as she walks away. Her words weigh on me and my throat constricts. Of course that's the only reason I'm here. Could she be right about the rest too? My feet move on their own accord and before I know it, I'm at the front door. I welcome the fresh air but m immediately reminded that I did not drive here. The guards ignore my presence so I sit down on the steps, placing my drink beside me. What am I doing? I hear faint voices through the door behind me. "What do you mean? You were supposed to be watching her," Jay yells angrily.

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