Chapter 9

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It's almost midnight by the time I make it back to the house. I enter the house quietly where Jade just about knocks me off my feet when I walk through the door. She holds her finger up to her lips then drags me into the kitchen. She quickly pours us each a drink then turns to me expectantly. "What are you waiting for? Tell me all about it. Judging by the time, I'd say it turned out pretty good," she says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"It was good. Where is Jay? I left my phone in the car and didn't know he was trying to contact me."

"Forget about Jay. Tell me," she begs.


She sighs. "He got drunk and took a couple girls to bed. They left already though. I think something crazy happened related to work. All of the men are kind of on edge tonight."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What happened? "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, I promise. I have to go check on Jay."

I turn and quickly make my way upstairs. He hasn't asked much of me since I got here and the one time he actually needs me, I'm not there for him. He was nice enough to give me this job when he didn't have to. The guilt weighs down in me as I reach his door. Do I knock or wait until morning? If I knock at least he'll know I made an effort to fix this. Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up to the door and knock. Several moments pass and there's no answer. I try once more and there's still no answer. Sighing, I head into my room and read through his texts once more. He never stated what he wanted. Great. I'll just have to wait until morning to find out.


Waking up bright and early, I put on a pair of leggings and a shirt. With a little help from Anthony, I was able to get some information that will hopefully help me get back into Jay's good side. There's a knock on my door and I smile. So it begins. Opening my door, I find an extremely attractive brunette standing there with a plate full of breakfast foods. She's wearing a revealing dress, heels and a face full of makeup. "Are you Isabel?"

"Yes," I say excitedly, taking the plate and handing her an envelope. "He's not a morning person unless there's a reason to be. So... give him a reason to be."

She tucks the envelope into her purse and crosses her arms over her chest. "You don't have to explain the job to me, babe."


There's an awkward moment of silence before I walk past her. I knock on Jay's door but there's no response. Of course. Slowly turning the knob, I'm happy to find that it's unlocked. The natural light shines into the room giving me a perfect look at Jay's bare ass once again. He's sound asleep on his bed, cuddling a pillow. I set the plate on his nightstand and gently shake his arm. "Morning sunshine."

He groans, burying his face into the pillow. "Get out."

"I got you a present. Her name is Amber."

He rolls over while pulling the blanket over to cover himself. We both look at the woman standing behind me. My jaw drops. She is now completely naked with her dress pooled around her ankles. Damn. I wish I had that confidence... and body. "Is she for me or you?"

Clearing my throat, I turn my attention back to Jay who stares at me amused. "I paid for her, I can look," I say jokingly.

"You can stay," he suggests.

I laugh dryly. "I'm good. Is there anything else I can get you?"


"Let me know when you're finished. As in dressed," I clarify quickly. "So we can chat."

"You can go now," he says, watching Amber crawl up the bed towards him.

Well it appears my plan may be working. I quickly exit the room and make my way downstairs. The dining room is filled with men and a few women but Jade is nowhere in sight. I wander the house in search of her but can't seem to find her. Of course - "the closet" as she calls it. She spends a lot of time going through the clothes and adding to the collection. She also likes to randomly deliver items to my room. I love it, she's the best. Entering the room, I see Anthony who appears to be nude but thankfully the items on the table block his mid section. "Oh hey. Sorry. Have you seen-"

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