7 - Under His Care

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"So, how's the first day?" Jungkook asked me, dropping himself on the couch as he grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. "It was okay. I met this really pretty girl and now we're friends"

"Her name?"

"Faye, Faye something" I didn't know her last name, and I didn't care either. "Oh, you're back. Can you come to my room for a second?" Jimin comes out of his room, ruffling his wet hair.

I followed him into his room, feeling a bit anxious. I knew that he would talk about that day. The day I witnessed a murder. I was too traumatised to tell them what I'd seen, so they tried to shift my attention into something else.

It's been roughly two days, and we haven't had a single conversation about it, until now.

"Why do you seem so scared?" He asks with a little laugh, pulling me towards him as he places a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Because I know what you're gonna talk about" I mumbled, pouting.

"And it's your choice if you want to answer it or not. I just want to know what you saw that night, that's all" he shrugged, making me feel a bit more relaxed.

"Don't you already know what I saw? You're a demon, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I just need to know what you saw from your perspective" For whatever reason, I wasn't buying it. It felt unnecessary. "You know what? Instead of that, why don't you tell me how you guys are so chill about killing a girl my age" I said, folding my arms against my chest.

Words cannot describe the amount of emotions I felt when I saw that girl. Her eyes were open, and soulless. But the way they glared right into mine even after death still haunts me.

Taehyung didn't make the situation any better. He almost killed me that night. "It's not stuff you'll understand. So I suggest you stop poking your nose into it and just listen to what we say" Jimin has never been this cold with me before.

"You're bad" I mumbled childishly and walked out the room. I could hear Jimin chuckling behind me. Bipolar little bitch.

I went to the kitchen to get some flavoured yogurt to snack on, but before I could even touch the fridge handle, I was scooped off my legs from behind. "LEE JUNGKOOK!" I screeched.

My brother cackled, placing me on the counter. "Looking for this?" He wiggles the yogurt in front of my face before grabbing a spoon. "Give it" I extended my arm to grab it from him, but he didn't give me a chance.

"Let's share" He says with a smirk and open the container. I tried to jump off the counter and snatch it, but he cast a spell on me that restricted all movement.

"I've thought this through, butterfly" He giggles, a proud expression on his face. He takes a little bit of the cold treat on the spoon and puts it in front of my mouth. After I ate it, it was his turn to have a bite. He takes a ginormous scoop, almost emptying a quarter of the tiny portion and shoved it into his mouth.

My jaw dropped in disbelief. "Th-that's not fair! How come you get the big bites?" I whined loudly. "I think it's obvious who has the bigger stomach and appetite here. Your brother needs a lot more energy than you do, we all know who is exercising everyday and who is not" He says, gently poking my tummy.

"It's all about equity, Bi" He winks at me. I looked at him, upset. "Are you calling me fat?" I asked, feeling a bit self-conscious as my arms wrapped around my stomach. "Nope, I'm calling you cute. Cute for being such a whiny little kid" he says, taking another bite.

"You're beautiful" He whispered and kissed kiss my forehead. "—and having a little bit of this, is completely fine" He continues, poking my tummy. "Here, you can have the rest" He gave me the yogurt, and only a fourth of it remained.

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