Rant 6: Ashfur

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Requested by WolfAndRavenwing. Thanks!

Okay guys. Sit back, get comfy, and grab some popcorn. Cause this is going to be one heck of a long rant.

Now, some of you might be thinking: "Oh yay another person who LOVES Ashfur!" Well, I'm sorry, Sugarcube, but you're wrong. So, if you like Ashfur, I recommend you go and leave right now, because I have some pretty bad things to say about him.

Now, in the beginning, Ashfur was an okay character. He was loyal, skillful, and willing to do anything for his Clan, and I liked that in his character. But then, after Squirrelflight came along, he just went downhill.

What I don't understand, is that Ashfur never really seemed to have feelings for Squirrelflight, until they came back from the journey in Dawn, and Ashfur was like: "Oh Squirrelpaw, you're okay!" That just kinda came out of nowhere. Did he get feelings for this apprentice who's like two or three years younger than him?

Then, it got into Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's friendship, some people know this, but for the others who don't, Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight is my OTP, it's my favorite couple in the books. So, because of that, Ashfur started to annoy me a bit.

When the badgers attacked, all Ashfur cared about was making sure Squirrelflight was safe, when we all know Squirrelflight can take care of herself perfectly fine. She doesn't need some cat to worry about her all the time, which Brambleclaw doesn't, but Ashfur would, which Squirrelflight would never want. Ashfur was way too overprotective, he never let her out of his sight, and only wanted her to stay in one place.

I hate how people always back up Ashfur with excuses for all the bad stuff he did. "Oh, his mummy died!" That's not an excuse to try to kill Squirrelflight's dad. "Oh, he was heartbroken!" A lot of cats get heartbroken in the series, and they don't go insane. But this whiny baby over here has to be like "Oh I'm bleeding out onto the stones." I think we'd all be happy about that.

Just because Squirrelflight doesn't love him doesn't mean he can go and kill her dad. People need to understand that. And people call Squirrelflight the bad one and Ashfur the innocent! Just... NO. It's his fault that he went all cookoo on Squirrelflight, it's his fault he did what he did, he's a warrior, he should stop acting like a kit. Then there's the famous fire scene, and the spoiled brat tries to kill the three. Just talking about Ashfur gives me a headache. Then he's like "Oh, I'm going to tell the Clan they are Leafpool's kits, and ruin ThunderClan reputation." Ugh, he's so stupid. I was really happy when Hollyleaf killed him.

BUT HOW THE HECK IS HE IN STARCLAN?! "OH, HE LOVED TOO MUCH." THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!!! I hope his spirit dies in StarClan, that might seem harsh, but it's a fictional cat.

So.. yeah. I HATE this cat. Hope you enjoyed my raging. Remember to put suggestions in the comments, if you want to at least. I already have a few more suggestions on my list, cause apparently, you guys like this stuff. Not that it's a bad thing.

Also, please respect my opinion, cause I know some people like Ashfur. I'll respect yours, so respect mine. Plain and simple.

That's all for now. All this raging is making me hungry. Gonna go grab something to eat. Since school's out for me, I'm pretty much ALWAYS on. If you guys want to have a little chat, I'm on. See you guys later! hollyleaf517 signing out!

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