Capitolo Ventuno | Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Francesco knew that if Maria was truly someone to be reckoned with, she would find an opportunity soon. An opening.
It was what he would've done.

If she was actually smart, she would have noticed things.

If she wasn't, well it would just be back to the boring old routine where he always won again. Where everything was bland and tasteless. This whole situation was interesting so it would be a shame if he'd wasted precious time on a nobody like her.

This was actually challenging him because he could honestly find nothing on this girl. She didn't seem to be a threat at all with how pathetic and soft she always seemed. It would also prove to be the biggest problem if she really was such a good actress. Nobody looked twice. He almost thought he was crazy for looking into her too much.

He was never wrong, would this be his first time?

Francesco always listened to his gut though, even if Alessandro also tried to wave away his concerns on the matter.

Alessandro was blinded by the other girl. He had become infatuated and it was pissing him off. That man was supposed to always have his eye on the ball. Distractions were a weakness. He had been trying to hide it but Francesco could read him too well.

The date for the wedding was coming closer. Less than a month now.

He had two weeks at most to figure this whole thing out. After that, it would probably make no difference at all. He would probably just have her killed if she continued to get on his nerves.

He abhorred anything that gave him a reason to be suspicious. Eliminating anything that ever made him feel concerned or even slightly sceptical was the way he operated. Alessandro was more tactical. Waiting to lure until he had the appropriate reason in place for what he was about to do.

Francesco had learnt from experience that if you waited too long to get rid of something that gave you a bad feeling, you would never be able to feel that feeling ever again, because you'd be slaughtered, buried in a ditch or fed to the maiali. (Pigs)

He didn't care. The men that worked for them were important. The loyalty in the family was a factor and so he protected them as well. They were his priority. The famiglia. Everyone else could burn to death and he wouldn't bat an eye.

The cruelty and uncaring nature that he had, was built within him from a young age and he welcomed it.

Everybody died someday or the other, it just depended on whether you were a dumb figlio di puttana or a smart one.

Emiliano bowed his head down slightly as he stood in front of Francesco awaiting orders or to answer any questions that he would ask.

Francesco's cold eyes were fixed on the glass of whiskey that he was holding in his hand.


Francesco hadn't personally been watching the Camorra and Irish men so he had entrusted Emiliano to the task, knowing that he wouldn't fail him.

"Not much but Domenico is definitely a force to be reckoned with. During training, when the men fight, he joins in sometimes and his men fight ours. He's experienced and very skilled. Wins every match."

A flicker of interest built within Francesco. His lips pulled forming the a subtle, wicked smirk as his eyes gleamed.

"A fight should be arranged for entertainment for everyone to watch. One Don to ... another temporary one." Francesco said with light humour filling his tone.

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