Capitolo Diciotto | Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Paolo Bova's heart was in his throat.

They had forgotten to tie him back with his binds and chain him up after one of the Irish soldiers had kicked him around and messed with him.
He hated the Camorra for how they had treated him but he hated the Irish more.

Paolo was a bloody mess and he had managed to escape and get out of there with only the tattered clothes on his back and his broken glasses that were the only reason he could see properly.

Getting to Italy from the UK had been a tedious task but he had managed it, bruised and battered.

They would've killed him there. He had to leave.

The Don would probably reward him for this.

The Cosa Nostra soldiers could not even recognise Paolo by the time he had gotten to the metal gates of the estate that had been flanked by guards and soldiers at his unwarranted presence.

Paolo was taken in by a few guards and made to sit at a seat near a huge door immediately.

He had only been allowed to wash his completely bloody, scarred face before he got checked up as he was to be questioned immediately.

He didn't know who the Don was yet but he knew he was getting a chance to join the upper ranks. He would become powerful.

Those Irish and Camorra were nothing.

His arrival was kept very discrete and confidential.
Other than the guards and the upper ranks. Nobody knew who he was or where he had just come from.

"He may have gotten something important. This is very good. We will have the upper hand."

They watched the large security screen as Paolo was sweeped and inspected for weapons or anything that he was not supposed to have on him.

The Don took in every single movement and inspected every thing that Paolo did.
He simply looked at his underboss without saying another word and turned towards his enforcers after a considering moment.

"Portalo dentro." His gruff voice commanded.(Bring him in)

Paolo was brought inside and he faced the few intimidating figures in front of him.

The Don was already concealing his fury because of how foolishly the entire scheme had gone along.

They were supposed to have gone in and gotten out unnoticed but now, he had lost one of his head enforcers and the idiota soldier in front of him seemed to know absolutely nothing at all.

"They told m-me nothing but their boss is Domenico Santiago. I heard them say it. The Irish are prepping him. I told them I don't know who the Don is and that I was just to protect signore Ricco."

"We already know this. Do you have anything new that you found out at all? I've never seen one of our missions fail like this or even seem so useless. You even let them know that Ricco would probably have known the Don's identity."The Don's underboss told Paolo coldly as he watched him with a dark glint in his eye.

Paolo looked up at them with fear as he realised his mistake.

"N-no I didn't say anything else I swear!"

The Don watched as he leaned on the wall, until his eyes went towards his watch, noting that twenty minutes of utter nothingness had passed.

He knew how this would play out already. It was the same damn thing every single time. The buffoon would say he didn't get anything, he would cry, piss himself a little, finally blurt out that he had accidentally said a little too much while he had been tortured by them, beg for mercy and eventually end up being shot in the head by his handy revolver.

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