Capitolo Quattro | Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Valeria always heard everything before she saw anything.

The one thing she knew at the back of her mind was that nothing was right.

There was a muffled sound that sounded vaguely familiar to a gunshot with a silencer on. She had always used a suppressor when she trained with Valerius so she had recognised the sound half awake.

She didn't care if she was wrong, she'd rather be wrong than right at the moment.

Her hands beat at her brother's chest as she muffled the sound of protest that came out of his mouth with her hand while he took in the panicked look in her eye.

Valerius shot up abruptly as he knew something was wrong immediately and pulled Valeria with him to sprint towards the closet. He locked the closet and got to work.

They had safety measures for this and he was glad he had taught Valeria everything his papà had imparted to him.

There were secret passages and rooms if you knew where to look and thankfully, Valerius knew all about them. He pushed Valeria in the closet and told her to twist the third hook in the door of the second wardrobe. It would move slightly but just enough for her to see the light switch above next to it. He told her to remove the casing of the switch as the actual switch to open the door to the passage was under the casing.

Valeria fervently did as he ordered and got the door open.

"If we go up it'll lead to papà's room and there are passages that lead to tunnels out of the estate as well. We need to find mamma first though." Valerius said in a hurry as he pulled out the gun that papà had always told him to keep on him from a drawer next to the closet.

Valerius's first kill had been when he was eight years old. It was a man who had tried to hurt his mamma.

Everyone had become fair game after that for him.

The noise had become louder now and it was obvious that there was a problem.

Valerius pushed Valeria in and hugged her close.

"You find mamma and get her out of here. I need to go back and help papà Valeria." He whispered to her causing her to flinch and glare at him angrily.

"Idiota, are you asking to die? We have a better chance at helping together than going alone!" She whisper yelled as fury mixed with fear took ahold of her.

She was scared to leave her brother out of her sight.

"Valeria. Smettila ora." He admonished harshly as they both looked towards the door as audible screams were starting to be heard now.

He pressed his forehead to hers and locked his hard eyes on hers.

"Ti amo sorella. Remember your promise."

A gasp came out of Valeria's mouth as she registered what he was asking of her.

Was he insane? She could never. Not now.

She started to shake her head furiously almost with wild desperation as fear enveloped her body.

"Valerius ti amo but I can never do that. I'll break that promise a million times if it means I can do something to help."

"If you break that promise and I die tonight, the last thing I'll die seeing is you break my heart little sister. Don't do that to me. I will never forgive you if you do that to me."

"Per favore Valerius, how can you — " she rasped out until Valerius shushed her when they heard someone break through the room door.

They held their breath as they could hear screams, laughter and the sound of guns and weapons being used to clearly now.

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