Forgive me | Juliette & Cal

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C: "She turned my brother into a vampire."  

J: "I turned her brother into a vampire." 

C: "I can't forgive her for this."  

J: "She won't forgive me for this." 

C/J: "All I feel is pain. Her pain and mine." 

C: "We're still connected. I see her in my dreams." 

J: "At least I can see her in my dreams." 

C: "I've gone to every witch I could find trying to sever the connection, but they say there's only one way to do that. I won't stop until I'm finally free of you." 

J: "Even in my dreams you turn away from me. I've lost you completely, haven't I?" 

C: "I hope you're prepared for what's coming. I won't fall for your tricks again. This time I will finish what I started." 

J: "You're coming for me. I know your true intentions and I'll gladly accept as long as I get to see you one more time before it all ends." 

The high-pitched sounds coming from the speakers outside caused Juliette to fall to floor covering her ears which felt like they were bleeding. 

J: "I've been waiting for you." 

She could hear Cal's heart beating loudly behind her, so she raised her hands up. A silver arrow was sent through the back of Juliette's leg piercing it through and through. Juliette groaned loudly, but she didn't budge. 

C: "Get on your knees." 

Juliette shook her head which was being bombarded by the noise. Another silver arrow pierced Juliette's right leg causing to fall to her knees.

C: "I said on your knees." 

Cal finally came up to face her with another arrow attached to the bow pointing straight at Juliette's face. 

J: "Hey Cal." 

Juliette looked at her with the same adoring smile that she always had. Cal simply took out some homemade handcuffs made out of pure silver. 

C: "Put these on." 

Juliette winced when she grabbed them but did as she was told. She knew Cal needed to do this and she wasn't going to fight it. 

J: "How have you been? I've tried to talk to you in my dreams, but you wouldn't give me a chance." 

C: "I don't need to hear anything coming from you. You did the one thing that I could never forgive you for. You broke me. You broke us. I'm done with you. Stand up." 

J: "Cal, I truly am sorry for what I did to your brother. I just wanted to help." 

C: "Shut up! Don't talk about my brother! He's dead because of you. Now stand up." 

Juliette started crying because of the pain and how impotent she felt that she couldn't take away Cal's pain even if she was killed. 

Cal made Juliette walk towards the middle of a cemetery where a lot had been recently dug up. A black coffin was inside it. 

C: "Get in." 

While Juliette got into the coffin, Cal dropped the bow and arrow on the ground and grabbed a wooden stake she had stashed on her pants back pocket. Cal jumped into the coffin as well and stood over Juliette. She hadn't noticed before, but Juliette was wearing the exact outfit she used at the party where they shared their first kiss.

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