Purple Room | Meena & Cherine

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I was bored out of my mind waiting for Meena to finish work when I received her text message.
"See you in the bedroom after I finish working." I smiled widely. "Of course." It's been a while since Meena and I have been able to spend some time together without work or our friends getting in the way.
"Cherine!" Mae Kiki called out for me and I looked up from my phone. "Let's go. You have to do a commercial in 20 minutes." I shook my head confused.
"I thought I didn't have anything booked for this weekend." Mae Kiki rolled her eyes.
"I sent you an email about it last night girl. Now come on!" I scolded myself for not seeing the email and ran after Mae Kiki to do a commercial for a new Madam Fin fragrance.

"Hey Nong. Can you help me with something?" He nodded. The guy was in charge of bringing refreshments to everyone and our shoot was basically done.
"Can you buy some things for me?" He looked around and his bosses seemed busy.
"What do you need, Miss Meena?" I was grateful he was willing to help. I was too embarrassed to ask Mae Kiki to buy these things.
"Can you go to the supermarket nearby and buy some flowers, wine and candles?" I blushed when his eyes met mine.
"Of course, miss. Anything in particular?" I shook my head.
"You seem to have good taste. I trust your choices." He did a playful military salute and left. "Meena, can you come here for a moment?" I walked towards the photographer who asked for my opinion on the results of the photos.

Later in the evening...
Cherine texted me that she was almost done with her commercial. The food I ordered from room service was already here. I texted Mae Kiki.
"Cherine and I are spending the rest of the evening together so we won't be hanging out with at the bar." She sent back "Enjoy 😉" which made me blush.
I set my phone to 'Do not disturb' and finished the last details. I placed the food on the table we had on the balcony, lit up the candles since the wind wasn't blowing that strongly and waited for the wine to chill more. Cherine had texted.
"Coming up." I poured the wine and made sure we each had the exact amount, all candles were lit and the flowers were on the precise angle to show off their beauty.

Third person narrator
Cherine entered the room and saw the lights were turned off.
"Meena?" She didn't get a response. She set her bag down on the dresser and took off her shoes which had been hurting her feet all day. She saw a silhouette out on the balcony and went to check it out. Meena was too distracted with what she was doing so Cherine came up behind her and hugged her.
"Aren't you tired from working all day?" Meena smiled and faced her leaning on the table.
"Do you like it?" She nodded towards the table. Cherine took a better look and nodded. No one she had dated before had made these types of romantic gestures.
"Yes, but aren't you tired?" Meena shook her head. Cherine knew she was lying since she had been working nonstop since the morning.
"Having you by my side vanishes my tiredness."

Cherine looked at the table and felt empty-handed. She didn't bring anything for tonight.
"But... I have nothing for you." Meena grabbed her hands.
"Just having you is enough." Cherine looked for any signs of deceit in Meena's eyes, but found none. She helped Meena sit on the edge of the table standing in between her legs shortening the already small distance between them. She dragged her fingers softly up Meena's arm and leaned in leaving a gentle kiss on her lips. She grabbed the wine glass and slid it along Meena's arm provoking noticeable goosebumps all over Meena's body because of the cold sensation.

She took a sip of the wine and offered some to Meena. Before she had a chance to finish swallowing the wine, Cherine's mouth was already on hers. A long kiss that was much needed. They had their first time weeks ago and it was all very gentle and sweet, but this time it felt heated and passionate. Desires they had been holding back were being exposed through every touch.
"A- are you hungry?" Meena said.
"Dinner can wait. I'm more interested in dessert."

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