Secret Crush

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Have you ever had a crush on your best friend? Sam has. She's got a crush on the most popular girl at school and her best friend since they were 14, Kornkamon Phetpailin. They are part of the same friend group which includes Jim, Yuki, Nop, Kirk, Tee, and Kade. They're all in 12th grade and about to graduate and go off to college. Jim, Yuki, Kade, and Mon are the hottest girls at school, and everyone knows it. When they walk by, you can see the girls boiling with envy and the guys fighting over who gets to date them. Nop, Kirk, Tee, and Sam are the pranksters. Whenever someone messes with the girls, they end up being victims of the pranks of the Guardians as they call themselves. How they all became friends is still a mystery to the rest of the school since they have nothing in common.

It's no secret that Sam has a crush on Mon, but so does Nop and Kirk. In one of their afternoon gaming sessions, Kirk pushed Sam to confess her feelings.

Come on, Sam. You're among friends. Don't tell me you don't dream about getting into Mon's pants one day. The rest of us do except Tee. She's with Yuki. Sam rolls her eyes and kills Kirk's character in the game. Hey! No need to be aggressive. The other two laugh.

Stop messing with her, Kirk. Mon will never look at you that way. Tee threw a bomb at a group of zombies.

I can't believe I missed my chance to date her last year. I swear if Neung hadn't piqued my interest at the time, I would have dated Mon. Nop laughed, and Sam groaned.

Are we playing or just chatting away? Tee, there's a zombie on your right. Nop, that's my sister you're talking about, show some respect. Sam presses all of the buttons on her control hoping it will work. Damn it. I need to buy a new controller soon.

I told you I could buy you a new PS4 if you want. Kirk offered.

Dude, we know you're rich, but don't waste your parents' money on me. It's fine. I'll buy one soon enough. I have to work this summer anyway. Sam said as she hit the controller a couple of times getting it to finally work.

Are we still going to the Philippines at the end of June? Nop asked while he killed two zombies at once.

My dad said I have to work with him at the restaurant this summer, but yeah, I think he will let me go. Tee said. What about you, Kirk?

Of course! I can ask my mom if we can take the jet and everything. Sam behind you! She didn't respond. Damn it, Sam! We're about to lose. Where are you? Again, no response. Sam? Did your controller die again? A message popped up on all their screens. 'Got a call from Mon. Give me a few minutes.'

Few minutes? Might as well say goodbye to her boys. You know how things go when Mon talks with Sam. They all chuckled when Tee finished talking.

Phone call with Mon

Hey! Did I catch you at a bad time? Sam sent the message to the boys and hopped on the bed.

I always have time for you, Nu. What's up? She could hear Mon sigh.

Nothing. I just... Ugh! I'm so tired of Kade. She's been bothering me for weeks now about going on a date with Nop since he's the captain of the soccer team and it's our senior year, bla bla bla, but I told her we're friends and I don't like him like that anymore. Sam felt happier with that confirmation. I don't know why she wants me to date him so badly.

I don't know what to tell you, Nu. I know Kade likes to bother you sometimes but just ignore her. It's just Kade being Kade.

I like being the subject of most conversations at school. I just don't want anyone to feel like they can control my life like my parents. She groaned. I must sound so self-centered to you. Sam giggled.

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