7. Apology

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Mature scenes included 👉👈


Why am I so nervous? Just strike up a conversation... it's not like he's gonna be angry if I tried to talk to him right?

I tried to gain a little bit of confidence as I walked the familiar path to Sebastián's office. I reach the door and take a deep breath while using my fist to knock twice on the door.

"..Come in." A sleepy voice answered

My heart almost popped out of my chest when I heard the much awaited reply.

I slightly opened the door and peaked inside.
...Where is he?

I look around the office. The curtains were closed, and lights were out it was pretty cold in there. Sebastián was lying on the couch in a corner, with his eyes closed, messy hair, one arm hanging off the couch and his first 3 buttons undone, documents scattered everywhere on his desk and some papers thrown on the floor.

"... Mary is that you? If you don't mind, could you please tidy up the desk?" He requested with his eyes still closed. He looked really tired and had dark circles.

Well it wouldn't hurt to help both him and whoever Mary is...

I walked in without making any sound and went to the desk. It was quite a mess I won't lie. But I rearranged everything while Sebastián lied pretty much lifelessly on his couch.

Now I am not the type of person who likes to organize anything, but once I get my mind into something I made sure to do it perfectly.

It didn't take me long, I just stacked the papers together, bundled up the files, put the expensive looking pens in the pen-holder, and stacked the papers neatly in the middle of the desk.

Once I was done I quietly looked over to the very much asleep Sebastián.
He looks so peaceful. Yet stressed at the same time.

I looked around the room and saw a small blanket folded on a chair. I picked it up and put it over him to keep him warm. Besides it was pretty cold in his office.

Right as I was about to leave, I felt something tug on my hand. I looked back to see Sebastián half asleep and looking at his desk and then me, in confusion.

"Sorry I thought you were Mary when you came in.. you shouldn't have to do that." He says in a way that convinced me he was still half asleep.

He sits up slowly and looks at me, "Do you need anything?.." he asks in a sleepy voice.

Thinking that this was my chance, I tried to be as formal as possible.

"I wanted to apologize... for sneaking around your office that day..." I nervously held my hands together in front of me.

He zones out for a second, as if trying to understand what I was talking about and after the longest 3 seconds of my life, he finally replied.

"It's alright. I also shouldn't have been rude towards you.."

Wait... it's that simple?..

He had already passed out peacefully while I gathered my thoughts.

I walked out and closed the door behind me only to find Ivan staring at me.

I ignored him and continued to my room.
"Why were you in there?" He asks with an expression i couldn't explain.


"That's not an answer."

"Why do you care so much?"

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