1. Beginning

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I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

I check my wrist watch and see that it was already past midnight and I'm not even halfway to my house. Thankfully I managed to grab my phone while running away but it would be better to save the battery till I got back.

The last time I checked my phone, it had thousands of notifications. Mostly from Gregg and Nicole.

I take another turn which gave me the choice to either take a short cut through an alleyway or take the long way through the main road. I look back and forth between my options. Fuck it. I turn and jog into the alley, it looked empty anyway.

I safely reach the other side without any unpleasant encounters and look around to try and remember the way back to my home. Ever since I woke up, my memory was a little hazy and I couldn't remember some stuff properly. I look down on my bandaged hands and tuck my phone back in my pocket.

I look at a familiar path and start walking, hoping this was the way back. Just as the surroundings got more and more familiar, I paused as the hair on my neck stood up.

Something wasn't right.

I'm being followed.

I look right and left to pretend that I was trying to figure out which way to go. I came near a street light, and rested a bit while leaning against a metal pole. I took this chance to try and see the reflection of the person following me.
One thing about my wrist watch was that it had a secret mirror that slid out when I pressed a button.

An attachment I made since this wasn't the first time I was bring followed.

I raise my wrist up, and pretend to look at the time as I try to observe a black distoring shadow a few meters away from me. What the hell?

Maybe it's the meds kicking in and I'm hallucinating?

Maybe if I walk in circles, I can loose it? But I was too late, the figure had noticed me blanking out and and took the opportunity to start walking my way.

Oh fuck...
My fight or flight instinct decided to choose flight before and before I knew it, I was running away from my house as fast as I could with the mysterious person following me. I try to look for an escape but end up too close to the woods nearby and had no choice but to run in.

That thing wasn't an hallucination, and it was staring to catch up, with the adrenaline rushing in my viens to keep me going. At some point, I lost track of where I was going and ended up having to stop to catch my breath.

As soon as I leaned against a tree, I sense of comfort washed over me..

I look back to see the figure just standing and staring at me. But instead of taking advantage of my exhaustion and coming towards me again, it slowly took a few steps back, turned around and disappeared into the woods.

Should I feel relieved orr....

I look around again, to try and understand where I was. Then I realized that I was indeed in the middle of no where and had no way of knowing how to get out of this place and even if I did get out, who knows if that shadow thingy is waiting for me out there.

I look around the trees trying to make sure there were no wild animals around.

I was never a scout so I will die if I tried to camp here. Besides why didn't that thing try to get me while I was here?

Maybe it got tired? Maybe bored? Maybe they're scared of spiders? Hell even I'm scared of spiders. People who keep pet spiders are psychopaths and nothing can convince me otherwise.

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