A true fear. (side story)

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Tristan, slowly waking up, was laying on the cold, hard floor. No sight of Muko, Dave or Poip. Did I black out? He asked himself. Very sore and weak, his little bones could barely handle it. Breathing heavily and steadily, he tried to recollect himself without anyone's service. His heart felt nauseous, he was weak. He can only remember Poip and Muko's fight with ExDave and then blacked out due to a box hitting him in the face very hard.
That explains the pain in his head, it's not just only a headache but something hit his head. Tristan lightly touched his head, which was now very sensitive to touch. It hurt so much that it almost made him cry while he kept silent. He also felt a wound on his head, a scab to be exact. Tristan crawled slowly under a desk to rest and trying to calm down, only the sounds of abandonment were heard. In his little brain, he doesn't know what to do, what can a kid even do to a chaos god? That's right.. nothing.
Tristan couldn't bear the awful memories of Dave being a monster and knowing that he won't live any longer. Death was around the corner of his life, all of this traumatic fear flowing in him eventually made him turn golden. Tristan couldn't remember the last time he ate, or played, or slept. An unknown presence kept him up, not letting him sleep. Tristan was always scared of monsters, even under his bed. He doesn't want to sleep, but the haziness in his vision makes him feel like he's partially blind. "No.. I must. Stay awake." Tristan spoke to himself, perhaps trying to give himself encouragement but it was barely any help. Tristan's limbs dropped on the cold floor, as his eyes started to shut like this was the end. "I..must...stay..awake.." he quietly cries. "I..must..."
It was unfortunate. Tristan's exhaustion made him lose his energy and fall asleep under the desk, surrounded by boxes with barely any light shown. The underground broken lab lights briefly flickered, having a little light under the unused wooden desk surrounded by boxes.
It was the only time Tristan felt safe. Resting. After not being able to sleep because of Expunged, it felt like he had access to sleep one more last time. He slept on the floor under the wooden unused desk in Dave's storage room, using his special red sweater as a blanket and Dave's ripped cloth to imagine he was with his actual dad. The smell gave him a sense of comfort from Dave and his open, welcoming arms when he was down or bullied.
THUD! Tristan woke up in a panic, he banged his head under the wooden desk and it hurt. "Ow ow ow ow ow. That hurt. That hurt." Tristan painfully said, trying to not cry or say anything. Tristan panicked and looked around, he peeked out the desk and box corners of where the light sources were shining in. He only saw a shadow of what seems to be a giant spider, a deformed monster and a bird man. Tristan was very scared, terrified he was choking back tears. He tried to be brave and remembered Dave's words of being brave, but it was hard knowing he didn't have anyone. Tristan tried to block out everyone, but it was interrupted by the talking of the monsters.
"Algebracai! When the FUCK do we get some grub around here??"
"Ugh, shut your trap. Expunged said we could eat the golden child when we found him."
"We don't even know if he's here!"
" Poip and that nerd are in the 3D Realm dumbass. They do not have that kid. He's here and I know he is."
Tristan was terrified. He backed up, peeking around for an exit. Bingo.. A window to escape the storage room. He tried to calm down and not cry, but these entities were larger and scarier than ExDave himself. Tristan was thinking of an escape plan, but he was too scared. His worst fear, a spider was going to eventually eat him, he didn't want to die in a gruesome way. He didn't want to die in the worst way possible. Tristan hugged himself, as he felt spiders crawling up his back, injecting him with fear.
"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. I'm brave." he sobbed silently. His head hurt more. His heart was pounding.
"Whatever, you both check the other places in the house" demanded Algebracai. Tristan waited for the monster to look in the other direction and look in the boxes. Tristan tiptoed in the other room and quietly pushed some boxes to climb up the window he's escaping. This took minutes, as Tristan felt more and more fear dreading on him, he just wanted to feel safe again.
Only one more box was needed, Tristan scurried as fast as he could go as he was also limping. One..more..box..
Tristan tripped, then hit his teeth on the cold floor. "OW. ow ow. ow. ow " he cried a little louder without realizing it. He covered his mouth, as blood was smeared on the cold floor and it was dripping from his mouth.
The other Trixies didn't hear Tristan, but Algeracaitrix did.
Tristan got up as fast as he could, and that made his limbs hurt even more. Tristan's heart once stopped when he heard the noises of a giant spider monster running towards him. There it was.
Time seemed to slow down, the colors around him now being yellow, black and..red. Algebracaitrix was giant. Bigger than a car. His neck being long, like an anaconda's body, his grin sparking fear into Tristan, his 8 legs stabbing in the walls and ground, and saliva dripping from his mouth. Tristan put the last box down, climbed on top of it and opened the window and tried to make a run for it. Algebracai didn't let him get away this easy..
Tristan felt his leg stuck as it was covered by sticky silk, he screamed. He cried. Tristan shouted and cried for the beast to stay away, which Algebracai laughed.
"You're so much better in person. Kid.."
Tristan tried to escape, but it was too strong, He was getting weaker. Algebracai grabbed Tristan by his sweater and picked him up. Tristan was face to face with what he feared.. spiders. "Oh! Don't worry Tristan. This is just a bad nightmare.." he said in a psychotic way. Tristan cried and screamed until Algebracai covered his mouth. He kept him close to his body and basically in a way, hugged Tristan.
"It will be over soon.."
Tristan started to lose consciousness. He grew tired. I think this is where my story ends, he thought.
Then. Nothing.
Friendly Spider?
A dark void. White cobwebs everywhere? Am I dead? He thought to himself.
Tristan sat up, to only be on top of cobwebs. He was a little stuck but not a lot. "Psst! Hey kid!" a voice spoke up. Tristan, freaked out, looked everywhere and stuttered, saying "w-who are you!?" but he ended up tangling himself in webs which he began to cry and freak out which was understandable. "Shh.. be quiet, you'll make my siblings find you." the voice replied. In Tristan's defense, he covered himself and refused to look at anybody or anything as any kid was. Tristan lately hasn't been happy, and has gotten anti social and avoided anything social. He peeked a little, to see the same giant spider, Algebracai. Understandably he freaked out and tried to escape while also tearing up.
"Hey twerp!" laughed the beast. The giant arachnid picked up Tristan carelessly, even almost dropping him in the process. Tristan tried to escape the hands of death, like he was a frog but it was no use. Algebracaitrix laughed at the poor kid,it seemed to be the very last time he would hear a laugh, and not a good laugh. not from Bambi, not from Muko, not even Dave. "Unfortunately kid. This is the end of your life. This is only just a nightmare.."
"A nightmare you will never wake up from.."
Algebracaitrix opened his mouth, as the frightened child started to plead and beg for mercy but it was no use. The child began to cry, ugly cry as it seemed like time slowed down. Y'know the feeling when you cry and sob to where everything feels like time has paused? Yeah.. that feeling. In an instant, the creature dropped Tristan onto the floor as if the crying did something. Algebracai moaned and groaned at the sounds of crying as his antennas were twitching. He grabbed his antennas to block out the noises that gave pain to him. Tristan ran for his life and hid from the spider, heart pounding and losing confidence in himself he began to cry. "That's not..dad.."
Shaking and whimpering in fear, he instantly hid from the beast and suffered massive panic attacks.
Algebracaitrix seemed to gain semi consciousness, there was barely anywhere to hide. He seems to be dizzy and hazy, trying to not lose balance from standing. Cautiously he looked around in the dark room on top of the spider web. Algebracaitrix heard the sounds of Tristan shuffling to be quiet while trying to not cry, which Algebracaitrix spoke up.
"Hey! Who goes there?"
Algebracaitrix seen the poor innocent boy crying and being terrified of the creature that just almost ate him, which the worried and fear was shown in this eyes. He backed down, putting his arms up as if he's showing he was merciful, he didn't have any intentions on hurting Tristan.
Tristan stuttered, trying to be brave with an obvious shaky voice "St-stay away from me." When Tristan almost fell off the spider web, Algebracaitrix's instincts kicked in, grabbing Tristan by the collar which Tristan was shaken by to be face to face with a deadly beast.
"Be careful kid!" The beast raised his voice slightly.
He pulled Tristan up to his arms, he picked him up and picked him up like a baby, almost familiar too to how Dave would pick up Tristan as a baby. Tristan was still quivering in fear, he didn't want to look at Algebracaitrix while also crying and sobbing. Algebracaitrix felt awful, "Hey, hey, shhh. I'm not going to hurt you."
"PLEASE! GET AWAY FROM ME!" he sobbed and cried. His head hurt like hell. Algebracaitrix was sad, but had an idea. Tristan felt his head being warm, and saw that Algebracaitrix was slightly stroking his head with this giant arm, while feeling the deep and dark unsettling vibe the place had to offer. "Wh- what do y-you.. want from m-me..?" Tristan said in a shaky voice.
Algebracaitrix had a small traumatized look, worried, fearful and overwhelmed, Tristan was still scared of said creature but it seemed scared himself. He looked at Tristan, as Tristan looked away, "You need to be protected. I can't let you out yet."
Tristan was scared, but curious as to why. "But why? I need to find my actual dad!"
"You don't get it, do you?"
"Your father made a mistake. He drank something forbidden that made all of us like this. He bellowed. "I'm sure you have seen me and Expunged's other.. creations.. huh."
Tristan nodded. "Why are you.. being so nice to me?"
Algebracaitrix turned to look at Tristan, and looked him dead in the eyes, "You're special to me."
Algebracaitrix went back to his original position, hugging Tristan close by him, which Tristan felt nervous and awkward since he now in a way, befriended a Trixie.
"I know you're scared. I know I was aggressive to you and I'm sorry." Algebracaitrix said.
"Are you going to eat me?" Tristan asked shakily, which then Algebracaitrix looked at him, with pure fear as if he's scared to eat Tristan.
"Oh no no no." He said while comforting Tristan. "I would never eat you, I don't want to hurt kids." The gentle giant arachnid picked up Tristan and lightly patted the kids's head. He came close to Tristan, "Do you want to hear a secret?"
Tristan, as dumb as a 9 year old kid agreed. The giant arachnid made a drawing art piece, made out of silk and web. It was a portrait, a circle..with 2 small circles for eyes..
The body being a cylinder. Tristan soon realized Algebracaitrix drawn Dave, which confused him.. why? he asked himself. "You know this man?" Algebracaitrix asked.
Tristan nodded, "Yeah! That's my dad!" Algebracaitrix took the web down, then showed his body which oddly was similar to Dave's appearance. Tristan looked at both Algebracaitrix and Dave's appearance, Algebracaitrix leaned in, and said
Tristan started to realize that Algebracaitrix IS the real Dave. Tristan's started to well up in tears, looking at the monster. "It's me. Tristan." Tristan cried and hugged Dave's leg, not letting go. "OH DAD. EXPUNGED IS TORMENTING ME, MUKO AND POIP ARE FIGHTING HIM AND AND- I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM AND I'M SCARED AND." Tristan broke down. "There there." patted Dave. "Tristan. I'm so sorry."
Dave hugged Tristan tightly to his chest. "I'll be switching bodies Tristan. When Expunged takes over my previous body, my own consciousness will be shifted into this Trixie until Expunged gives up my body, I can go back to the one you're familiar with." He explained. "Tristan, you're going to have to be a brave boy."
"Dad I don't know where to go or do. I'm so lost.."
"I'm so sorry for making this happen, Tristan. My own curiosity got the best of me. You'll have to end this once and for all, my consciousness is in a little bit of Poip. I made Poip almost like me, to protect you."
"Dad I don't know what to do. I don't know what Expunged wants from me, I don't know why these people want to kill me."
Dave sighed, "You have a power no other god has, your heart being so young and carefree..
I never told you. I never did because I feared this day would come and I didn't want you to worry. I accidentally made Expunged, he wants to kill you not only for power but because of a punishment of my accident. I was a very irritated person, I made Expunged by accident and Expunged is the monster of me. The side I want to forget."
"What did you do dad?"
"He thinks I'm cheating the system. He thinks I'm getting away with my actions by "exploiting" you. Using you as something to protect me and only me."
Dave picked up Tristan, then explained furthermore.
"Which it's not true. I would never do that to my own son. I love you very much Tristan. I stopped the real Algebracaitrix just in time before he swallowed you whole, I made it harder for Expunged to find you but it won't last long."
Dave nudged his head against Tristan's stomach for affection, "I love you. Don't forget that."
Dave got himself ready to send Tristan back to the 2D Realms, "I believe in you, kid. Save this world."


Dave and bambi : Collision AU ( DISCONTINUED , CHECK NEW BOOK!)Where stories live. Discover now