The Golden Child

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Tristan lay in his room dreaming about how disfigured his dad had become , the one thing he had fucking feared. Expunged. He hated how that red shit would stalk and harm Tristan just so he would try to get his power for his own , and now since his father is one with expunged it would be so easy for the diety to do so. The child lay in bed tears running down his eyes as he could picture expunged hurting dave and himself in different ways , he cried to his dad over and over wanting his attention but Dave didn't respond , Tristan hugging himself so afraid of what might happen to his life now. He loved his dad ,, but his trust was little with him since of how he resembles expunged..
His tears covering his bedsheet as he drifted off into his own mind , escaping these terrors.
Dave had rejoined the normal world , panting in distress as the shift steadied. He slowly checked on Tristan to see the tear stained sheets , the shivering child in fear. Dave sat on his bed staring down at him knowing his child would hate him from now on , how scarred Tristan would be to do anything around dave.

"Sleep well , my golden child."

I know this chapter is short , it's supposed to be a mini Tristan filler! Its a angsty chapter but oh well

Dave and bambi : Collision AU ( DISCONTINUED , CHECK NEW BOOK!)Where stories live. Discover now