Chapter 110

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The days continued to pass through a whole cycle of summer, autumn, winter, and spring. By the time Xiao Baozi's birthday arrived the following year, Qin Muwen's 'Miscellaneous Notes' had already seen its second publication.

The first official confirmation of its printing and publication had occurred in the autumn of the previous year, during the Renyin season. It all began with the serialized entries in the Fucheng tabloid in early March, and by September, nearly a quarter of the entire "Miscellaneous Notes" had graced its pages.

Initially, Qin Muwen had penned over 50,000 characters in the first volume of "Miscellaneous Notes," with each section containing around 300 words, totaling 166 short stories.

Apart from the initial publication in early March, which included an introduction and three short stories to pique interest, subsequent "serializations" featured two short stories each time.

In six months, over forty short stories found their way into print.

At first, those who enjoyed reading daily miscellaneous notes were mainly loyal customers of the Fucheng tabloid. After a few issues, word of these concise yet delightful narratives spread through friends.

Upon learning the source, some even went so far as to buy the Fucheng tabloid, despite their initial reluctance.

Some individuals, who were not fans of tabloid newspapers, even approached the shopkeeper to inquire if they could purchase only the segments of "Miscellaneous Notes."

But how could one sell a single page? After contemplating their options, some returned home hesitatingly, while others decided to pay the twenty wen for the tabloid.

To the shopkeeper's surprise, by July, the sales figures for the current season had surged by 30% compared to the previous quarter.

A significant portion of these buyers turned out to be devoted readers of "Miscellaneous Notes," and it was their newfound love for the stories that brought them to the Fucheng tabloid.

The shopkeeper had never expected that this venture would be so profitable. His initial agreement to print "Miscellaneous Notes" had been a mere favor to Li Jin.

After all, Li Jin had gained recognition in the eyes of the local authorities.

Never did he imagine that it would turn out to be such a lucrative endeavor. If they decided to publish this book again, it would certainly not be limited to a meager fifty copies.

Instead, they planned to print... a thousand copies.

In theory, printing more than three hundred copies would yield higher net profits compared to hiring scribes. Printing a thousand copies meant the bookstore could offer Li Jin a substantial share.

The shopkeeper personally visited Li Jin to discuss this development. Li Jin raised an eyebrow, although he had anticipated that the young author's work would find favor with many readers.

But the extent of its popularity had surpassed all expectations.

At the time, Li Jin remarked, "You can decide on the publication's details and timing."

The shopkeeper was deeply moved by Li Jin's trust and immediately instructed his assistant to arrange the publication.

However, the bookstore primarily printed various educational books specified by the local authorities, as it was a public institution.

As a result, it took until the end of August to print a thousand copies of "Miscellaneous Notes."

Since the last Fucheng tabloid issue in August, the entire month of September was dedicated to promoting the release of "Miscellaneous Notes."

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