Chapter 98

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Qin Muwen's voice was barely audible, but his words were resolute, as if he already knew Li Jin would become the case leader.

This certainty stemmed from his deep familiarity and trust in his husband.

Li Jin's academic achievements had always been outstanding at the academy. Even Wan Jiaoyu believed that as long as Li Jin performed normally in the imperial exam, he would undoubtedly earn the title of 'Little Sanyuan.'

Additionally, Li Jin rarely displayed joy over his rankings. However, this time, the genuine smile on his face was evident to Qin Muwen.

So, Qin Muwen dared to speak out boldly even without knowing the official announcement.

Li Jin responded with a low "um" and said, "Wenwen, you're right. This time, I am indeed the case leader."

Qin Muwen's joy at receiving this confirmation exceeded Li Jin's. His already radiant smile became even more brilliant, and the vermilion birthmark at the corner of his eyebrow added to his charm.

Before long, the messenger from the yamen arrived. Unlike previous times, he first greeted Li Jin with respect and congratulated him, saying, "Congratulations, Master Li, on achieving the 'Three Excellences' in the examination!"

Naturally, Li Jin responded politely, saying, "Thank you, sir."

"Master Li, you're being too modest. This is your good news, and it bears the seal of our magistrate!"

The high case leader was appointed by the academic government of the prefecture. Even the challenging exam questions were set by the academic government. In other words, Li Jin's exceptional performance had earned the magistrate's favor.

In light of this good news, Li Jin did not close the courtyard gate, and soon, a crowd gathered at the entrance.

Many matchmakers wearing red flowers were among the onlookers. Some families were keen on Li Jin's prospects and good reputation. Even though he was married to a ger, they still considered marrying their daughters into the family.

As the people at the gate congratulated Li Jin, they emulated the messenger's respectful gestures.

"Congratulations, Master Li, on becoming the achiever of 'Three Excellences'!"

"Congratulations, Master Li!"

Li Jin responded graciously, and he had Xiaocha bring out some candies and snacks he had prepared in advance to share with the well-wishers.

Li Jin escorted the messenger to the outer courtyard, where Qin Muwen came to serve tea. Initially, the messenger was seated, but being familiar with Fucheng's customs and aware of Li Jin and Qin Muwen's harmonious relationship, he stood up and accepted the tea with both hands.

Qin Muwen was momentarily surprised, but his conduct remained impeccable.

Li Jin followed the protocol and presented a gift to the messenger, who now refused to accept money. Li Jin had no choice but to instruct Qin Muwen to prepare a more generous gift.

Thankfully, they had the funds, and Li Jin kept valuable items on hand for occasions when distinguished guests visited and they needed to present gifts.

After the messenger left, he coincidentally encountered his superior, who inquired, "Did you deliver the good news?"


"To whom?"

"To Master Li Jin, Senior High Junior Sanyuan."

His superior was astute. Observing the valuable items in the messenger's hands, he knew they were worth at least two taels of silver or more.

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