Chapter 102

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The Li Jin family once again set off for Fucheng, their journey still following the waterway.

However, luck wasn't as kind to them this time. Shortly after boarding the ship, a light drizzle began to fall. Little bun, who had initially wanted to take his two fathers to the deck to watch the water, had no choice but to stay obediently in the cabin.

Li Jin noticed how quickly Little bun's high spirits waned, and before long, the little one was peacefully dozing off in his dad's arms.

Qin Muwen, always patient, didn't immediately lay him on the bed. Instead, he waited for the little bun to fall asleep before carefully removing his shoes, socks, and outer clothing and tucking him into the blankets.

As the rain outside grew heavier, and dark clouds gathered, all the cabin windows were shut to prevent raindrops from seeping in and dampening their bedding. The cabin grew noticeably dim.

Having spent so much time together, Qin Muwen and Li Jin had developed an unspoken understanding.

Qin Muwen lit an oil lamp while Li Jin prepared his pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, intending to paint.

Li Jin had never thought of himself as someone with a taste for such leisure and elegance. In his previous life, he didn't even take many photographs when traveling. Yet, in this era, he found himself drawn to capture the beauty of scenes with profound meaning through his paintings.

This wasn't to seek praise from others but rather a reflection of the refined sensibilities he had developed over years of reading.

Qin Muwen, while grinding ink for him, couldn't help but admire A Jin's features.

Ever since he had become a father to little bun, A Jin had carried an air of indulgence and affection in every conversation or moment of sleep together.

As the village chief had mentioned, becoming a father had seemed to make A Jin mature suddenly. He became upright, composed, and lost the restlessness common in young men of eighteen or nineteen.

At this moment, Qin Muwen felt a twinge of self-doubt and insecurity. He had tried his best, yet it felt like the distance between him and A Jin was growing wider.

Li Jin sensed that something was amiss in Qin Muwen's demeanor. He gazed at him with a gentle smile in his usually serious eyes. Seeing that Qin Muwen still appeared troubled, Li Jin put aside his brush, cleaned his hands, and touched Qin Muwen's forehead.

"You have a fever," he said.

In his half-asleep state, Qin Muwen could feel his clothes being removed. Instinctively, he tried to protest but found himself holding a familiar hand.

Even in his dreams, he recognized that it was A Jin's hand.

He obediently relaxed, allowing himself to be cared for by A Jin.

After wrapping him in a blanket, Li Jin had worried about him sweating too much and getting cold, so he diligently wiped his body dry.

With no herbs on the ship, Li Jin could only use physical methods to help his husband cool down.

Once done, Li Jin quickly rewrapped him to prevent him from getting chilled again.

Now, in mid-March, during the transition from winter to spring, the weather could be quite unpredictable. Qin Muwen had been robust all this time, but the constant back-and-forth between the city and the village had finally taken a toll on his health, leading to this fever.

Fever due to cold wind often caused headaches, and in more severe cases, the limbs would ache and burn, with a constant underlying pain.

Unfortunately, this fever didn't seem to have a specific source of pain, making it difficult to pinpoint.

The Transmigrated Li Jin's Daily Farming Life (Translated With Mtl)Where stories live. Discover now