Chapter 39

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On July 6th, Baozi will be gifted with a full moon celebration.

A few days ago, Li Jin procured red paper from the town and inscribed the name he had chosen for his child. Although his handwriting was impeccable, Mr. Song praised him, claiming that he could participate in a perfectural student test with such skillful penmanship.

However, Li Jin's hands would involuntarily tremble as he wrote the name of the bun, causing him to shake his head and laugh. He had never been so anxious, not even when using a scalpel.

But this time was different. After inscribing the bun's name and birth date, he had to add it to the genealogy and submit another copy to the village chief for population records. This meant that when Baozi decides to marry, their parents and families will turn to this page of the genealogy and select an auspicious day for the wedding.

Li Jin felt like he would be publicly executed a decade later and dared not relax now.

Dr. Wu of Xinglintang had already learned about Li Jin's child's full moon celebration and advised him not to go to the clinic on that day, but to make up for it on Mu Xiu Day. On the 5th, Dr. Wu gifted Li Jin a pair of soft tiger head socks for his child.

Mr. Song also gifted Li Jin a mahogany plaque with exorcism patterns, promising to visit him and his bun in the future when he moves to town.

Li Jin still remembered the red string gifted by Chen Xiran as a meeting ceremony, and the pitiful appearance of the soft little creature lying in his arms.
This time, Chen Xiran had to personally attend the full moon ceremony of the little bun, so Zhou Gui from Xinglintang also planned to go and witness the event.

During the past few days, Li Jin had been acting as his mentor, patiently explaining everything he didn't understand and sharing personal information without any reservation. Li Jin even encouraged him to ask more questions, in order to improve his progress faster.

Zhou Gui was naturally grateful for Li Jin's kind assistance.

On the sixth day, Mr. Song dismissed the class and allowed the two to leave. Zhou Gui was already waiting for Li Jin at the gate of Song Mansion.

Across the street, Zhou Gui observed as Li Jin carried a bamboo basket, wearing a worn-out robe that seemed to have been washed many times, and stood side by side with a person dressed in luxurious brocade. However, Li Jin did not look inferior in the least.

Zhou Gui thought to himself that the saying "clothes make the man" was not entirely true. A person with a noble bearing would still be outstanding even in plain clothes.

Of course, if Li Jin were to change into a decent brocade robe, with his slender figure and starry eyes, he could easily pass for a member of any high-ranking family in the capital!

However, Zhou Gui had never been to the county before, and it was unlikely that he would encounter any truly wealthy individuals. At most, he would hear tales from storytellers in the teahouse, recounting how "a man from the capital rode a magnificent horse and was greeted by a throng of people".

Zhou Gui was able to visit the teahouse and listen to stories because he often helped the storyteller by frying up soup and medicine to soothe his throat. The owner of the teahouse was also a friendly acquaintance, and refused to accept payment from Zhou Gui and Doctor Wu.

Coincidentally, Li Jin spotted Zhou Gui and greeted him warmly.

Zhou Gui quickly bowed and addressed him as "Doctor Li".

Approaching them, Li Jin introduced his companion: "This is my classmate, surnamed Chen. And this is Zhou Gui, an apprentice of Xinglintang."

Since Zhou Gui had already pledged his allegiance to Doctor Wu as his teacher, he could not have two masters at the same time. Hence, he referred to Li Jin as "Dr. Li"

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