Chapter 34

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Li Jin was unable to comprehend Chen Xiran's desire for something.

Chen Xiran saw Li Jin was not engaging into the topic, therefore he had to drop it.

Finally, he uttered, "You seem uninterested."

Li Jin was perplexed and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Li Jin resolved to steer the conversation away from this topic, as he feared that Chen Xiran would label himself with countless criticisms.

However, Chen Xiran was evidently fond of discussing this topic. He mentioned, "Do you know about Piaoxiang Tower in town?"

Li Jin replied affirmatively, "Yes, I do."

He still remembered how the previous owner had gotten drunk with the top-ranking courtesan at Piaoxiang Tower and had even disregarded Fulang's labor.

Furthermore, almost everyone in the village knew that the previous owner was fond of Piaoxiang Tower's courtesans and could not extricate himself from them.

Chen Xiran was taken aback and said, "You actually know?"

Li Jin explained, "The town is so vast, how could I not?"

Chen Xiran proposed, "Well, let's go to Piaoxiang Tower and get a Baotou card together once we have earned our gold list title! I'll pay for it!"

If it were the previous owner, he would have been overjoyed to hear this.

However, Li Jin was not accustomed to such romantic and elegant activities at present.

During this era, literati and scholars were particularly fond of composing poems for courtesans.

Li Jin had always been fixated on cleanliness, both physically and mentally.

Luckily, the previous owner did not have enough money to obtain a Baotou card, or else Li Jin might have had to go to the river to bathe.

Li Jin let out a sigh, wondering why he had agreed to walk back to the village from the town with Chen Xiran.

Wouldn't it have been better to simply provide Chen Xiran with the address?

On the journey, Li Jin faced numerous mental challenges from Chen Xiran before arriving at his vegetable garden. Li Jin pointed to a patch of delicate green seedlings that had recently sprouted.

He said to Chen Xiran, "This is my patch for growing vegetables."

Chen Xiran took a glance and asked, "Where are the vegetables? Did you only manage to grow potatoes?"

Li Jin replied, "Only the cucumber seedlings have emerged, the others are yet to sprout."

Chen Xiran finally spotted some small seedlings and remarked, "These are cucumber seedlings."

Li Jin added, "In a month's time, we'll have cucumbers."

The elder Chen Xiran looked even more pleased than Li Jin and said, "I'll come to your place to taste the cucumbers."

As they reached the village entrance, Chen Xiran suddenly became quite anxious.

"Does your spouse accept the birth of your child?" (tl: I also don't understand...pls dont ask me(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Li Jin was about to say, "No, he's still cooking for you," when he realized Chen Xiran was talking about his own child.

"I'm not sure," he replied, "I've only held my own child with my wife so far."

Chen Xiran realized that he could no longer pretend because he was the one who had given birth.

Life can be difficult for Li Jin, who is a year younger and already has children.

The Transmigrated Li Jin's Daily Farming Life (Translated With Mtl)Where stories live. Discover now