22.Who care

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I look at bible who now look so cold. Dont you miss bright, i ask him and smile to him. He look at me and coldly said. No, let talk about business he said. Refuse to talk about bright.  You are cold, how could you dont miss him, i said.
Metawin, he said coldly. I miss him so much, i wish i can see him now, i said again. He is like you, really cold, how could he left my son when he promise my wife to be his dada , i said again. Leave now, if you want to talk nonsense, bible said angrily. Okay, i need to find my son god father, he really good in hiding. Its already two weeks. If you see him, let me know i said and stand up. What do you mean, bible yell at me. He suppose to be with you, he said angrily. I wish he is, but he have other plan, so he leave, i said and leave that stupid bull. I am still at parking lot when i see how bible are running to some where. I purposely wait for two week to let them suffer because being stupid.
This is the best thing i can do for you my love. I will really let you go. Find the love that you deserve. I am too weak for our love.  Because of me, all of us suffer.
I will change to better person. I have so much in my plate now. My baby need me. I will focus on him now. You will always in my heart I said .

Hi baby, how are you today i ask my cute son. Are you make your grandma tired i ask him. He just smile at me. I quickly hold him and bring him to our room.
This is my life now. Even everyone look at me with sad and pity eyes, but i never felt this peaceful feeling before. I try to be good employer, i try to be good son and i try to be good father. I am living how everyone expect me to be. I have both my wife and lover in my heart. Each of them teach me what love is.  Bright teach me what love is and emely teach me  how to love. Both of them give so much impact in my life. The only regret i have are, i will never forgive my self the way i treat emely before. 

What do you mean, i ask my mom who now crying. It because of us, she said. It was me and dad who beg bright to leave you , she said. We make him leave you, we are sorry she said. He really love you, he leave you because we make him promise ,she said crying. We said cruel thing to him. We refuse to accept him for who he are and we even said he is not qualify for you more after being rape. My mom said regretfully. I cant say a word. I just leave both of them. Oh my god, how much i have hurt bright because of my blind love. I am so focus on what i want until i forget to see why he leave me. God must be punish me now. I know , i deserve all punishment for my stupid self. I dont deserve to be happy.

Dont worry, i will be back. I just need sometime i said to my parent. I need space for myself and my son i said.
I will always be your perfect son. But please dont hurt anyone again i said and walk away hugging my sleeping baby.
I can see my mom screaming . But I really cant forgive them now. I need to heal myself. Being a single father is not easy. Sometime i want to give up but sometime i felt like i am the luckiest person in the world. I maybe dont have luck with love but i am sure i am the most happy father in the world. I really close my heart. Two heart are enough for me.

Kavin, no running i said to my 2 years old boy. He become more naughty. I sometime pity his nanny. All three of them are too soft with him. The only person who can control him is me.
Wacth out i said worrily. Kavin, i shout when he run to someone.
Are you okay little one, a guy who i love before ask my son. He quickly pick my son up. Are you okay, where is your parent he ask and look around. Is he yours, he ask me happily when he see me. It been two years. I choose to focus on my abroad business and just come back because my mom fall sick. I cant bring myself to hate them anymore when they crying begging my forgiveness. I nod and smile. Its not fair, how can you have this handsome son, he ask me and laugh. He already being himself who love to smile and teasing.
Oh please, his mom is beautiful and his daddy is handsome. Of course he will be the most handsome guy , i said. I agree with all the statement, except for handsome dad he said and laugh again. What are you doing here i ask him.
I just visit my friend. And i am lucky enough to see this cutie he said and kiss kavin.  How are you now, i ask after kavin nanny take him to nap. Okay, i love staying at my farm house. You should visit me with kavin. Old people there will be happy and kavin will be pampered by them he said cheerfully.

Are you still refuse to go back for real, i ask him when i meet him again.
Go back to where, he ask me back. Bright, stop being stubborn. Have some mercy, he suffer enough, i said. Win, i will go if you talk about this again, he said stubornly. Its already 2 years, dont you pity him, who non stop begging you, i ask him. I dont ask him to he said coldly. Stop being a child, i know you love his attention and  being spoil brat, just forgive him, i cant help but angry with this stupid guy. Win, he yell at me. We are now back to the phase where we can yell and scold each other.  We really move on. What, i ask him. I know you too much. Stop it, before he give up, i said again.  Who care , he said again. You know bright, now i know i am lucky guy, i felt pity for poor bible, i said and that make the beauty in front of me yelling loudly. Metawin, i hate you, he said and leave me with anger. I just laugh and look at him who walk away.

Who is he, I cant help but look at handsome guy who run and collide with bright. Are you okay, I ask cute stranger. Win, bright yell again when I ignore him and only help the cute guy. Sorry, I am okay he said and quickly leave us. Who is he, I ask bright. Even I know who is he, I wont tell you bright said and leave me angrily.  I look at the staff card cute stranger drop. Nani


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