7.Hate me to the core

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He what, i ask my man when one of bright bodyguard inform that he leave his farm house. He never go to anywhere within this year. So i ask my man to check and what i found is shocking. That metawin still waiting for him and being crazy. I felt really guilty. If not because of me, they must still trying to get win parent blessing.

I wait for him at win door. I can hear everything. I quickly hold him when he fell down. In his situation, he still tell me that he hate me very much. I have no right to angry. I have no choice but to bring him to his house. I am expecting him to ask how i know, but he choose to ignore me. I have a fever, that why i choose to stay at my farm house. I never want him know. But i am too tired to drive. Before i escape come an old grandpa with bright invite me to his back yard party. He clearly show he prefer i reject the invitation. I quietly leave but i finally turn back. I need to grab this chance to talk to bright. I am worry. I know he is hurting because he just met his love life. Unfortunately he decide to ignore me and with heavy heart i leave the farm.

Sometime i regret not to end this 1 year ago. His curse really hit me. I cant seem to forget him. I should kill him instead of taking care of him like this. My friend call me crazy. How is he now, my friend ask me. I dont know. After i left farm house six month ago, i really try my best to forget about him. You should forget about that. He wont forgive you my team said. I just smile. Because i really try to forget but i cant. Boss, bright going to the capital city. I received a message.

He is my fiance, i suddenly interupt when i see how win presuring him. I never thought i will see this. He is staying with me. I hope you respect that i said again. No this is lie win said more to himself. Baby, please tell me this is not true he said and try hold bright hand.
I quickly hold bright waist and pull him to me. Not only win, but bright also shock. We are getting marriage, so please leave him alone, i said.
Are you leaving me for this guy, win ask him. Do you know who is he, win ask him again. Baby, please win said.
I am sorry, please forget me bright said and i bring him to the old couple ward.
Are you okay , i ask him. I can feel he is shivering. Dont touch me , he said as cold as ice. I slowly release his waist and look at old couple. Both of them love each other so much. They may be dont have as much as i am, but right now i am so jelous of them. They have something that i only can dream off.
Then i see bright in that happy frame. He is hurt but he smile and hug both old couple happily. He look loving and perfect in the frame. Its really beautiful.
How could he perfectly macth there. His existing make the view i saw more valuable. Get a grip bible, he hate you i remind myself. I dont deserve this, i am born with sins. I cant be with this type of people. I keep reminding myself.
Bible, grandma lisa call me. I look at her. What are you doing there, come here he call me. Its really ackward.. sit beside me she said and pat her bed. I am happy two handsome man visit me. Oldman take my picture with two handsome man, grandma lisa said cheerfully. Grandpa simon rolls his eyes but happily snap his wife picture. I can see how he love her. You can take picture with all handsome man, but you are trap with me forever uncle simon teasing his wife
Oh please, 50 years is enough grandma lisa said and grandpa simon pretend to sulky. I need to go. This is too much for me. Visit us again uncle simon said when i excuse myself. I just nod and look at bright. He smile at grandma lisa and pretend dont hear me.

I slowly walk to my car and my man quickly suround me when metawin suddenly come to me. Its okay, i said to my people and look at metawin coldly.
What do you want, i ask him. Leave bright alone, win said firmly. I admit he really brave to confront me. I know he is someone with a background. Its depend on him i said coldly. Leave him, he is too pure for someone like you, he yell. I admit his statement but it does not mean i will agree with his request. You know how it work, i said and leave.

I only can smile when i see how bright push my hand. I only can laugh when he obviously hate me. I talk more with him because he choose to silent. He make me act out of my character.
Everyone are kneeling and begging to get my attention but this guy clearly reject and hate me to the core.
Boss, my friend call me. I look at him. What should we do with metawin, he ask me. Let him be, he just hurt lover, i reply and i can see how my man look at me with open mouth. Lets go i said.


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