2.l love him so much

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I look at my bruise and injured lover. I slowly release his hand and get out of his room. Once i close the door i fell on the floor. Our team come running to me. All of them with tears. bright manager will all the bandage kneeling beside me. I am sorry she said. I know she must be crying and felt guilty. I really cant comfort her now. I can only hug her. My manager now running to me. Win he call me. I slowly look at him. He gently help me to get up.

I wipe my tears and look at my manager. I already submit report but the response is not good. They just mention it involve powerful people. We will hurt bright more he said slowly. Who, i ask him. I dont know but they remind me because they felt shympathy for us my manager said again. I know i really need to be carefull. When we found bright he was already clean and comfortly sleep under the blanket. His manager even received the message of his location. I know he was raped. Its really break my heart. I ask my personal doctor to treat him. I cant trust anyone. We already inform our management, they only ask us to keep  it secret. They will arrange bright leave and promise to help as much as they could. I know, it just empty promise.
What should we do phi i ask my manager. I am so down now. I really cant think. He just keep silent and pat my back. You need to strong for bright. He will collapse if you break down he said. I know, i said slowly. Win , my stylist loudly call me.  I look at him and run to bright ward. I can see how everything now on the floor. Baby, i call him softly. I try to comfort him. Go,he yell loudly. He refuse to see me. Just go he said while crying. I quickly run to him and hug him tight. Its okay now, you are safe i said try to calm him. Let me go, he shout and push me hard. Please baby, i still hold him tight. I love you, i love you so much i keep talking to him. Leave me, he finally calm dowm. Leave me he said again and again. I am sorry baby, i am really sorry i said. I cant bring the reason why i was late last night. It will break him more. I am sorry all i can say right now.

Flash back

I will not leave him. I love him i said firmly. I wont go, i said again. Then you will see me die my mom said gently. I close my eyes. Cant you feel me mom. I love him, i love him so much i said try to beg my parent. This is not only about you, my mom said and cry. Cant you understand us, she ask me softly. How will i face the family, you are the next leader she said while crying and hug me. I am sorry she said. I love him too, my mom said. But what can i do she ask me.
Please win, you know how this will end she said again.

I try to smile and act like an obbedient son. I politely smile to emely. She also smile and look shy. It just a dinner but i know what this dinner mean. My heart and mind are with bright. I will run to him after this. After dinner without looking at my parent i run to my car. I quickly turn on my phone and i can see a hundreds misscall from my manager and teams. After a second i received a call. Bright was kidnap , we cant find him my manager said. I felt dumb. I sit on my car for a few munite. I really cant move. I cant believe my ears. This is not happening. I only start moving after i heard a horn. This is not gonna happen if i go to him like usual. I make him wait for me.

Flash back end

How are you baby, i ask bright like always. He just smile sadly. Lets eat i said. Its already 4th day. He already can sit and the bruise is dissapearing now. The only mark left and will be his scar for life is when the rapist bit him to bleed at his collar bone. It will be his scar forever.
I am full,  he said after a few spoon. You should eat more, i said slowly. I cant he reply. Okay, we will eat again later i said try to comfort him. Is it okay for you to stay with your manager today, i ask him softly. I really can cancel my today event. He nod slowly. I really miss his voice. I miss his baby behaviour.

When i back to his ward, he still waiting for me. Like usual he will wait for me if i  promise to come. Hi baby, i gently caress his hair. I avoid to kiss him because he is scare. He still quiet but he hug me tightly now. I love you, no matter what, i will always love you i said. I look at him and he just smile. Without any word we just cuddle the whole night.  He become so clingy and always in my hug. I really dont leave him if after my last even. He is getting better. He smile more and eat more. After we got the discharge approval from my doctor i kiss his forehead. We will move together tomorrow, i said. He look at me and like always smile. Win, he suddenly call me. I cant believe my ears. I cry. I miss his voice so much. Thank you he said and hug me. Stupid, we are one, we dont need to thank each other i said. I still need to thank you he said. Hurmm i reply and hug him. I am sorry too he said with a broken voice. Why, i ask him. Can you forgive me he ask me again. Its not your fault, and you know i will always not angry with you i said. I am sorry he said again and again.


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