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"I cannot believe you managed to convince him to ally with our kingdom without accepting his proposal"

You smile after Rowan speaks out his thoughts in shock.

"What could I say? I'm so charming with my speech" you say in a fake haughty tone.

"And I can confirm that especially during our time alone"

Your face warms up, taking a hint of his flirting words.


You hear Adam's annoyed voice inside your head making you frown.

"Oh, shut up"

"Excuse me?"

Your eyes widen upon realizing that you spoke those words out loud instead in your mind.

"What I meant is, shut up, you flutter me with your words" you lie.

"Alright...I shall go attend to my duties now"

Rowan excuses himself, but before he could leave your chambers, you grab both of his hands.

"I would like to request something from you, hopefully you don't misunderstand me" you start.

"What is it, my darling"

Now, you are starting to feel guilty about what you are going to say.

"Please don't come to my chambers again because rumors are starting to swirl around the kingdom"

Rowan looks puzzled for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"But why would that be a problem?" he asks, sincerely perplexed.

You release his hands, feeling a mix of relief and sadness.

"It's just that... it could bring unwanted attention, and I wouldn't want either of us to be subjected to gossip or judgment."

Understanding dawns in Rowan's eyes, and he nods slowly.

"I understand. I would never want to cause you any distress."

"I appreciate your understanding," you reply, unable to meet his gaze.

"You're a dear friend, Rowan, and I want to protect what we have."

Rowan smiles gently, his voice filled with warmth.

"Indeed, our relationship is important to me as well. I'll respect your wishes."

Silently, you thank him, knowing that your decision is for the best.

With a mixture of regret and relief, you watch as Rowan leaves your chambers, closing the door behind him.

'Don't trust Rowan' Adam states, breaking through your thoughts.

'Why not? he is loyal' you think back.

'I don't mean in that way... he is obsessed with you...actually many people will become obsessed with you'

'Why would anyone be obsessed with me?'

'Because you are the main character, it's obvious, sweetheart'


"Please have mercy" the man pleads for his life as Rowan cuts off another finger.

"Why? You wanted to revolt against Queen (Y/n), the kind queen who-"

"That's not true! I wanted to only speak to her about-"

"Silence!" Rowan exclaims, stopping the man from speaking further.

"I bet you are also the one who spread rumours about her honor"

"No, I didn't! I would never do that" The tortured man shouts.

Rowan only turns to the guards to give out an order.

"Cut his tongue out, his voice annoys me"

End Of Times|| Dark Reverse Harem Various x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ