Small Kareoke at the end!

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Poland pov:

  I skipped the latte today because I am LATE! I hurried to the office because I am unable to fly yet. I got a glimpse Russia passing by on his way to the bar because he works there.

  "Przepraszam spóźniłem się! (Sorry I'm late!)" I said in my language as I plowed heavily, "What do you mean?" Austria asked, "Wh-what?" I huffed, "I'm not late?", "Nope," he answered with a grin.

  I sighed in solace and proceeded to my office with a hum, Italy gave me a stack of articles and that was a 'get-to-work' sign so I did. I my head then said, "Oi, don't forget the presentation,", I then vaulted out of my office and headed to Germany's.

  I think I shouldn't really push him away too badly, also he is a dear friend to me so just be normal.

Germany pov:

I was waiting for the Polish to come then, the door to my office flew wide open, "You're on time," I said and selected the presentation papers, placing them on my desk. He sat down next to me as if he never moved, "Ok, here's what were going to do," I said and started to explain the presentation. Him himself always put a sprinkle of joy on me.

  I thought it was interesting, but Polen thought it was lame, "This" he yawned, "Please focus," I sighed in a positive way, "We have 2 hours left,", "Ok," he groaned and kept up.

{2 hours later}

  "Let's go!" the childish angel said as he fluttered his wings with a bright smile, I smiled at the nation and walked up to the PowerPoint. "Ok, this is a lecture about this year's company's status..." I said and glanced at Poland and our workmates.

(after an hour)

"And that's all for the presentation today, thank you for your time," I said and Poland and I bowed at the jaded crowd. After they vacated, Poland and I were left in the room...alone, remained to clear up, I wanted to make it fun for him but... "No thanks, I...don't want to dance," he said with sadness within his gaze, "I thought you loved to dance," I replied, "Not today," he said lowly, I felt a miserable aura around him as he cleaned, just seeing him like this also made me quite sad.

  Although he has the ability to make around him joyful, when he's down (which is almost impossible) the mood turns down. I kept sneaking a few glances at him as we tidied the room, after we finished, we parted into our own offices.

I did my work as usual and but Poland retains in my head from time to time, more than I thought I would. He is just too kind, (Y'll know this)but I'm too young to know. I'm a fool, he can't like like me nor can I like him because of what Vather did.


Here's the karaoke, it's by Panic! At The Disco. Song: House of Memories


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